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Questions tagged [microsoft-access-2013]

The 2013 version of the Microsoft Access database product.

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ACCESS Query does not find all records

I am testing a simple database of patient recorded vitals. I am trying to do a query of those patients with a BGL >250 within the last week. I have put in test data to trigger return but not all ...
Mitch Hall's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a condensed view of an already existing table?

I have a database with two tables. The first table (Inbound) is a list of tables and their respective data fields that are used to create Output tables. The second table (Output) is a full list of ...
Kaycee's user avatar
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MS Access won't display line breaks of existing data

I am creating an MS Access front end for data from somewhere else. In this case, it's a linked SQL Server table. The data is actually imported from a shared-hosting LAMP web server. It's the ...
Mike M's user avatar
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In an MSAccess Form, using Continuous Forms, how can I get alternate row colors by data grouping?

When I use Continuous Forms in an MSAccess Form, it automatically applies an Alternate Row Color to every other row. I would like to have the alternate row color for groups of rows of data. Some ...
Mike M's user avatar
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Tell If Local Table Is A Linked Table In A Separate Database

I just took over as an IT guy at a company that has a myriad of Access databases all with local tables. A database may have 20 local tables, and 10 of the tables are linked into different databases ...
SmallFries BigGuys's user avatar
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How To Catch Any Error In Access VBA

I found a tutorial which showed me how to log errors in Access VBA, and it works mostly...but when checking my error table there are roughly 40 entries that do not have an error number logged nor is ...
user2676140's user avatar
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Error Exporting Access Table to Excel

I am using the below lines of code to export an access table that holds roughly 7,000 lines to Excel 2013, but I keep getting an error. What do I need to do in order to resolve this error so I can ...
user2676140's user avatar
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Access 2013 32bit Crashes in Windows 7 but not Server 2012 R2

I converted a 97 Access database to Access 2013 32bit. The database now crashes in Windows 7 but works fine in Windows 2012 R2. If I copy the database to the PC, the first time the database is opened,...
King of Microsoft's user avatar
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Trouble removing null fields and delimiter while concatenating in access select query

I am relatively brand new to Access (using 2013). I'm linking my query to Excel which is working fine. I had a concat function that I probably got from this site but Excel didn't like linking with an ...
Chris's user avatar
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How do I make a macro to generate a record number based on the fiscal year? (Access 2013)

I would like to create a record number that is based upon the fiscal year and automatically advances... Something like: 2015001, 2015002, 2015003, 2015004; 2016001, 2016002, etc. I already have a [...
anmarse's user avatar
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Microsoft Access 2013 - Search for one word in multiple columns at the same time

Is it possible to search in multiple columns for the same word and get every row (no matter in which column the word stands) as a result? For example: I have a database consisting of 5 columns and ...
YHa's user avatar
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How to replicate a MS Word document's layout and formatting in a MS Access 2013 report

I'm building an order processing system in MS Access 2013 that allows the employee to input order details from the customer's form, then the system records this in the database and generates an ...
jellyberg's user avatar
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Getting error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY) when migrating from MS Access 2013 to SQL Server 2014

OK.... I've checked and rechecked Google, StackFault, Experts-Exchange, etc... for a resolution on this error and they all say to register the DAO360.DLL and add its path to the environment settings. ...
John Schultz's user avatar
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How to create a MS Access query to show a data in columns by criteria?

I have a little problem with MS Access 2013. I cannot figure out how to create a query to show needed data in one table. The data structure can be illustrated with the following: USERS ID Name 001 ...
VIK's user avatar
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Access 2013:Trying to write macro to update form fields from a query result

I am trying to create a macro to update the value of a field in a form based off the results of a query. I am entirely new to working with vba in Access so I apologize if I am asking a basic question....
J.Scott's user avatar

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