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ThorSummoner's user avatar
ThorSummoner's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
50 votes

logrotate configuration file syntax - multiple wildcard entries possible?

6 votes

How to ssh between a cluster of Vagrant guest VMs

6 votes

Limiting use of RAM in Chrome?

5 votes

How to prevent "iptools ss" from soft-wrapping long lines on stdout?

5 votes

Turn on the link hover statusbar in Google Chrome

3 votes

How to instruct Windows 8 NOT to perform a fast shutdown?

3 votes

If I know the PID number of a process, how can I get its name?

3 votes

IP address that is the equivalent of /dev/null

2 votes

in sublime how to abort previous build automatically when building again

1 vote

How to manually insert signature in Thunderbird? (impossible?)

1 vote

GNU "parallel --pipe" doesn't process stdin by lines

0 votes

virsh - list all mac addresses for all network interfaces of any type

0 votes

How can I access the logo creation tools in GIMP?

0 votes

How to batch convert to mp4 with arista-transcoder?