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Questions tagged [vagrant]

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

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What are the Vagrant limitations for VMware disks with snapshots?

The docs are a bit cryptic about this: If snapshots exist for a VM, disk functionality will be limited. What limitations does Vagrant impose exactly on a VMware VM that has snapshots?
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Vagrant on macOS failing to mount NFS

I am using a MacBook Pro M2 running macOS Sonoma. My vagrant project to find that the NFS mount is failing. I have two vagrant VMs; a development one where I develop my VM setup, and a production one ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Vagra up is not working for.ubuntu/jammy64

$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Box ubuntu/jammy64' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... default: Box Provider: virtualbox ...
Pavankalyan Molaka's user avatar
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Getting debconf-set-selections right for scripted install of phpMyAdmin

I'm setting up a Vagrant box on my MacBook Pro (again, because the transition to Apple Silicon changed a lot), with Ubuntu 20.04 as the guest OS. I'm trying to do it all using provisioning scripts, ...
Pedro's user avatar
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How to allow communication between two Vagrant VirtualBox VMs?

I am trying to build a k3s cluster. To test my Ansible setup script, I want to set up a small sandbox with vagrant. However I can't figure out how to communicate between two VMs. The Vagrantfile I ...
iaquobe's user avatar
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Kafka running simultaneously in a Windows host and a Linux guest

I was following Pluralsight course "Getting Started with Apache Kafka", coming to module 4 about producing messages with Kafka producers. Then, I wanted to reproduce an author's demo which ...
Nelson A. Morais's user avatar
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Vagrant in WSL2 unable to run Windows 11 'cmd.exe'

Would appreciate help in using Vagrant and Ansible to spin-up and provision virtual servers managed by Hyper-V on Windows 11. Currently, I have the latest version of Vagrant (2.4.0) installed on both ...
Dead Pixel's user avatar
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Stuck at Vagrant connect to SSH

I am using Vagrant 2.3.4 and Virtual Box 7.0.8 to setup VM box eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9 9.0.37 on Windows 10. After using vagrant up, I have faced the SSH issue with this log: Net::SSH::...
BachKhoa's user avatar
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Facing an error while vagrant up and trying to create new vm with hard disks

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "generic/ubuntu2204" config.vm.disk :disk, size: "400MB", name: "extra_storage1" config.vm.disk :disk, ...
Mr.Marshal's user avatar
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Vagrant cant provision vm with debian/bookworm64 ssh authentification failed

I am trying to start up a VM with this box "debian/bookworm64" but it timeouts during the ssh authentification. I've used the same Vagrantfile with ubuntu/focal64 and there it just works. I ...
starryn1ght's user avatar
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Can't set all parameters in usbfilter with vagrant on virtualbox

I've only been using vagrant for a month or 2, but am running into an issue with the usbfilter parameter setting. I'm trying to set the product. I can successfully set other options (say the productid,...
shellman's user avatar
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Vagrant up fails with VMware provider

When execute vagrant up, getting this error The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! /sbin/ip -o -0 addr | grep -v LOOPBACK ...
zimmer's user avatar
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Vagrant: How to mount Linux shared folder in Windows

Host System: Ubuntu Linux, Guest system: Windows (any version). I want to share a Linux folder on a Windows system. When I use VirtualBox, I configure all the settings through the GUI. The Shared ...
Total Pusher's user avatar
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Why my private IP is not within the allowed ranges?

My Vagrantfile :private_network, ip: "" config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v| v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", 2] v....
MikiBelavista's user avatar
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Cannot run recent versions of Node.js in Vagrant box anymore

I like to do my dev work in Vagrant virtual machines to keep a clean environment. Having recently updated Node.js to v18.18.0, I suddenly cannot run npm commands inside the guest any longer: npm start:...
BadIdeaException's user avatar

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