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Unanswered Questions

13,817 questions with no answers
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Telnet connect to localhost failed on windows subsystem WSL2 Ubuntu

I'm using Windows Subsystem (WSL2) Ubuntu 20.04, trying to run command telnet localhost 2181, but only got error message saying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused Tried the ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to debug tick_sched_timer high power usage?

My tick_sched_timer is using a lot of power, this is the output of powertop: The battery reports a discharge rate of 24.7 W The power consumed was 516 J The estimated remaining time is 3 ...
6 votes
0 answers

'IpICSHlpStopSharing' : '0x80070490' in event log

Suddenly I begin to see a lot of errors in my event log (Windows 10 Pro Build 19041): 'IpICSHlpStopSharing' : '0x80070490'. Source: Host-Network service. I am working with Hyper-V (and Docker) and ...
6 votes
0 answers

What’s the command line equivalent of strace on Windows?

I need to | findstr SomePATH in order to search if a program access and close immediately a specific path. On Linux, I would use myprogram | strace 2>&1 | grep SomPATH. But what’s the ...
6 votes
0 answers

How do these VPNs achieve per-app tunneling?

I want to redirect traffic to specific network interfaces by application on Windows. This is commonly known as "split-tunneling" and a lot of people often do this to selectively send traffic,...
6 votes
0 answers

Group by date (or month or ...) instead of "A long time ago" in explorer on windows 10

There seems to be no recent, current and clear answer to the simple question: How can I FIX* the group by feature in the explorer in windows 10 so that it is actually grouped by time units in usable ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to get dhclient and/or NetworkManager to remove old client lease files?

My company produces IoT devices attached via USB, which contain a cell modem module, which contains a DHCP server. We have a production testing server running Ubuntu 14.04 and another server running ...
6 votes
0 answers

Want unchanged HDMI output when lid closed (Linux)

My question is similar to a couple of other questions except I need a Linux/Ubuntu solution. When I plug a HDMI cable into my laptop, I automatically get a second desktop on the second screen. This ...
6 votes
0 answers

Removing stale xrandr entries

I recently switched video cards under Kubuntu 16.04.1 LTS and the xrandr command has cached many of the old settings. $ xrandr | grep "connected" DVI-D-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x ...
6 votes
0 answers

Windows keyboard shortcut for deselecting text?

Is there a keyboard shortcut for deselecting selected text? Perhaps it also works for deselecting selected items (in Windows Explorer)? The arrow keys work in some software, but sometimes they also ...
6 votes
0 answers

In Google Chrome browser, why does Gmail use so much of the CPU when hardware acceleration is enabled?

Here's a screenshot of the issue. On the right, Windows Task Manager showing high Chrome CPU usage. On the left, Chrome's Task Manager showing it's all coming from the Gmail tab. If Hardware ...
6 votes
0 answers

How to suppress warning when deleting thumbs.db?

There is quite a lot of information out there how to disable the creation of the thumbs.db files that store thumbnail info for images within a given folder. I personally have no problem with the ...
6 votes
0 answers

How does licensing work with Vagrant Windows boxes?

Can a single Windows license be shared between a team (akin to installing on a physical or virtual server) for hosting Vagrant boxes? The Vagrant docs don't seem to address this issue and all the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to monitor CPU Temperature with Windows Performance Monitor?

I would like to take a baseline of a system for CPU, CPU Temperature, Hard Drive Reads/Writes, Page File, and Memory. I did not see a counter for the CPU Temperature in the Windows 7 Performance ...
6 votes
0 answers

Route traffic selectively through OpenVPN as a SOCKS proxy

Is it possible to convert OpenVPN traffic into a SOCKS proxy locally, so that applications can use the VPN only when needed by connecting to the SOCKS proxy? I'm aiming for something like Underleech ...

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