I'm using Windows Subsystem (WSL2) Ubuntu 20.04, trying to run command telnet localhost 2181, but only got error message saying

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Tried the same command on Windows 10, got similar error:

Could not open connection to the host, on port 2181: Connect failed

So, I have opened 2181 port on Windows firewall, also have tried different solutions found online, none of them worked.

Since the final purpose is just to type srvr after the connection in order to validate my Apache Zookeeper is running right, so I started to find an alternative of telnet --> PuTTY.

With PuTTY, I did the settings as below, tried both "ssh" and "telnet" as the connection type, but both were showing "connection error" enter image description here

My question is:

  • How can I connect to localhost with telnet through WSL2 Ubuntu?
  • Or is there any alternative of telnet to run on WSL2 Ubuntu?


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