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9 votes

How to get best quality audio using youtube-dl?

Stay with Youtube's native music formats to avoid re-encoding: youtube-dl -f bestaudio[ext=m4a] --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata <Video-URL> resulting in an m4a file or youtube-dl -f ...
Frank Breitling's user avatar
8 votes

How to record streams with Ace Player HD?

Click in the View menu of the Ace Player Go to Advanced controls (once you click, then advanced controls must appear in the left lower corner). Click on the record button. You can find the recorded ...
Lorena Pita's user avatar
5 votes

FFmpeg streaming from local file too fast

Add -re to the input, which limits the reading speed of the input. ffmpeg -re -i .\rec_20190120-220001.opus -c:a libvorbis ...
Gyan's user avatar
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4 votes

How to stream Youtube audio from a Windows machine to a DLNA client?

You can stream every kind of PC audio to a DLNA receiver with Stream What You Hear. Stream What You Hear (SWYH) is a Windows application to broadcast the sound of your computer (ie: “what you hear”)...
sigi_tm's user avatar
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4 votes

How do I change the bit depth in FFmpeg?

To reduce bit depth to 16 with dithering: ffmpeg -i input.flac -acodec flac -af aresample=osf=s16:dither_method=triangular_hp output.flac See e.g.
bvargo's user avatar
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4 votes

ISP for audio streaming: Dynamic IP vs. Static IP

Assuming that the ISP that provides a dynamic IP renews every 72 hours Renewing a dynamic IP address is not the same as changing a dynamic IP address. With good ISPs, even if you obtain the dynamic ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

How to stream audio through pipewire from one Linux system to another?

Answer from here on Server, where headphones connected pactl load-module module-native-protocol-tcp port=4656 listen=<Server_IP> on Client where music ...
sashikknox's user avatar
3 votes

Set audio endpoint devices application specific (programmatically)

While PowerShell itself does not have any direct implementation for this, you could still use PowerShell with some inline C# to make calls to the Core Audio API. There are several examples of such ...
Michał Sacharewicz's user avatar
3 votes

How to get best quality audio using youtube-dl?

Use the command: youtube-dl -f bestaudio "url"
user198350's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I voice-chat with my friend on PC, sharing my screen and game audio without mixing in their voice?

As of the time of this answer, the new version of Skype for Windows 10 allows you to simply Share your screen, along with system audio, sans Skype. Thanks, Microsoft! :D
Jonathan Zhan's user avatar
2 votes

Macbook holding on to Bluetooth connection while asleep

I am no Bluetooth expert but I have observed that if a connected device is playing music, no other device can connect. However I have also noticed that if the 'connected' device is not sending any ...
undo's user avatar
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2 votes

extract separated audio from m3u8 link

If you just want the audio, use ffmpeg -i "live m3u8 link" -c copy -map a "output.ts" If you want it segmented, use ffmpeg -i "live m3u8 link" -c copy -map a -f segment -segment_time 10 "out%d.ts" ...
Gyan's user avatar
  • 37.1k
2 votes

In which format are TuneIn streams?

wget says the file type is audio/mpeg. file on the resulting download confirms that it's MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo or in ...
dirkt's user avatar
  • 17k
2 votes

How many separate streams/mount-points does icecast support?

Seems like icecast has no stream restrictions and therefore the only things limiting the possible amount of concurrent streams are the OS, the hardware you use and icecast's configuration as stated ...
testeaxeax's user avatar
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Native Windows support for audio casting / streaming to WiFi Speakers

For casting video or audio, Windows 10 supports casting to DLNA compatible devices from the Cast To menu. There are purportedly hundreds of devices that allow streaming via DLNA compatibility, such ...
Ari's user avatar
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2 votes

How to record audio of a stream radio at scheduled times with FFmpeg in CentOS?

One time recording You can use the at command do schedule a command or script: at 14:30:00 A prompt will appear where you can enter your scheduled command: at > ffmpeg -i input -t 01:00:00 -c ...
llogan's user avatar
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2 votes

Sending UDP packets seems to cause loss on incoming packets on different NIC

After a lot more digging I seem to have found a solution to the problem. Microsoft provided a hotfix for Windows Server 2012 that allows bypassing the Base Filtering Engine for incoming multicast ...
Mathijs's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Does an audio stream from an internet radio station contain song information Here is 1 potential hardware option. Depending on what you buy an antenna may or may not be included and may have to ...
cybernard's user avatar
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1 vote

When RTMP is phased out, what will social media companies use for ingesting streams?

Nobody knows yet. SRT, WebRTC, and RIST so far seem to be the best bets. But just like any technology war there will not be a winner declared until one wins. Also, RTMP does not require adobe ...
szatmary's user avatar
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AzuraCast: change Icecast settings to enable intro song

Got it! To set a mount's intro file, you first need to make it available somewhere within Icecast's webroot, which effectively is /usr/local/share/icecast/web inside the stations Docker service. For ...
Bigue Nique's user avatar
1 vote

FFmpeg : using more than 15 audio streams

Use amix twice, before amerge. Feed half the audio inputs to one amix; the other half to 2nd amix. Then amerge the two results.
Gyan's user avatar
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1 vote

Why isn't Spotify showing up in the volume-mixer?

Found this after hours of frustration.  In Windows 10 on the system tray right click on the speaker, then choose "open sound settings". Once in there set your output device to whatever is should be, ...
Kupski's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Chrome cast to Google Home on different network

Okay, figured it out. To make devices to appear on the same subnet, you may create a network bridge. This way devices, even connected to separate physical interfaces of the server, may be actually in ...
Neurotransmitter's user avatar
1 vote

How to use audio autput and microphone input as a single Input?

If you go to the windows Sound properties switch to the "recording" tab, and then right-click the blank area and ensure that "show disabled" and "show disconnected" are both enabled (checked), you ...
Yorik's user avatar
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How can I play an audio stream with an internet URL on current Windows Media Player?

You get the same result when you paste the mms url into Chrome, it offers to open an external app, you chose Windows Media Player.
YaoChen Aan's user avatar
1 vote

How can I play an audio stream with an internet URL on current Windows Media Player?

Due to Murphy's Law, after not being able to find an answer to this for some months, I find it one minute after finally posting the question here! Media Player has an invisible menu. At least it's ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Pass all home audio through PC

You would need some sort of pass through from your tv to your computer. You could for example get a male-male audio jack cable. Plug one into your tv audio out (headphones) and the other one into ...
Quoc An Ha's user avatar

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