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132 votes

What does it mean when my new HDD reports errors at a time that shouldn't exist?

I think that your suspicion of "odometer tampering" is correct, and it is possible. The recorded errors are likely real and definitely worrisome because they indicate bad sectors upon reading. The ...
Deltik's user avatar
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50 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

To clarify (since this is one of the top responses on Google for this question, but doesn't actually answer it very well, IMHO): The "Current", "Worst", and "Threshold" ...
Foogod's user avatar
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19 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

Why is Uncorrectable Sector Count being displayed as caution? You need to look at the raw value (8) in this case. There have been 8 events. The raw value of this attribute indicates the total number ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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15 votes

What do the current, worst, and threshold SMART values mean?

As concerns your first question, the three columns together tell you the status of an attribute. Column "current" means the current value. Usually it is at 100 when everything is ok. Higher values ...
Martin Sugioarto's user avatar
14 votes

SMART-Test never finishes. What can be done to let them complete?

A variation on Ari's answer is to use watch, because the smartctl output may in fact be interesting to keep track of the status: sudo watch -d -n 60 smartctl -a /dev/sdx This will auto-update the ...
GreatEmerald's user avatar
13 votes

Dell's message that my SSD harddrive is nearing end of life while CrystalDiskInfo says it's good. Who do I believe?

You may want to provide us with the SMART Details for the drive so we can look at different attributes. Based on the limited information presented I posit that the drive is OK, and Dell are being ...
davidgo's user avatar
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12 votes

SSD has SMART test PASSED but fails self-testing

Forget looking at traffic light type self-tests. You have been given a wealth of information (SMART figures) that you just need to evaluate. Manufacturers don't have an interest to show a negative ...
r2d3's user avatar
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11 votes

How to test SSDs or NVMe for badblocks'?

In general, you shouldn't need to, beyond paying attention to what SMART is already telling you. The reason is that SSDs use wear leveling, so they have an advanced controller that already takes care ...
Nate S.'s user avatar
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10 votes

Percentage lifetime used on my SSD: 90%. Is that good or bad?

It means your drive has 90% "life" left. After some additional research, I came across this article that mentions the following: In regards to the attribute named “Percentage Lifetime ...
MMM's user avatar
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9 votes

SSD suddenly becomes unreadable - how to diagnose?

So, after futilely trying more diagnostics[1] and a patched Linux kernel, the correct solution seems to have been a BIOS update. Apparently, under older versions of the BIOS of my Lenovo x270, there ...
MarkZ's user avatar
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9 votes

Initial Testing of New Hard Drives in Linux

Most of the SMART monitoring tools will sound alerts themselves if it detects something going wrong, I think a couple to watch out for are "Current Pending Sectors" and maybe "Reallocated Sector Count"...
Xen2050's user avatar
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8 votes

SMART check on external USB hard disk on macOS

If you read down that list, see how many have been tested to work on macOS… I can't find any. It's generally accepted that you can't get SMART data over USB on Macs, because they don't provide SCSI ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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8 votes

Dell's message that my SSD harddrive is nearing end of life while CrystalDiskInfo says it's good. Who do I believe?

Since some of the diagnostic tools report issues, and we don't have much insight in how they forecast disk failures or how accurate they are, personally I wouldn't bother too much about intrinsics of ...
Apfelsaft's user avatar
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7 votes

Increasing “number of Error Log entries” on a NVMe SSD

Often you can ignore error log entries, it may for example be 'errors' due to the host sending non NVMe commands to the NVMe drive. A sudden increase may be result of some (monitoring?) software for ...
Joep van Steen's user avatar
6 votes

SMART-Test never finishes. What can be done to let them complete?

I tried the solution from sve.g, in my case the I kept finding the external USB drive in sleep mode regardless sometime after starting the test and interrupting it, it seems dd ended up reading from a ...
Ari's user avatar
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6 votes

How to ignore a specific SMART error

you need change config /etc/smartd.conf add arguments to you setting: -t -I 197 It ignore attribute 197 - Pending Sectors like this(Example): /dev/ad0 -H -l error -l selftest -t -I 197
zersh's user avatar
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6 votes

Samsung SSD "Wear_Leveling_Count" meaning

SMART reports a PREFAILED condition for my Samsung SM951 (AHCI) 128GB, reported in Linux as SAMSUNG MZHPV128HDGM-00000 (BXW2500Q). But in my case I think it's a firmware bug of the drive, because ...
Ronald's user avatar
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6 votes

Is my HDD failing as SMART parameter (Reallocated Sector count) is very high(390K)

Short answer: Backup your data and replace the drive as soon as possible, it is failing Long answer: Yes, you should be worried... The drive is failing, it may die as your reading this, or it could ...
acejavelin's user avatar
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6 votes

What may cause very high CRC errors on SSD (Apart from bad SATA cables, if any)?

I had the same issue but found the root of the problem. It has nothing to do with bad cable/RAM/CPU. It's because of incompatibility between your Samsung SSD and your AMD chipset's SATA controller. ...
Falcosoft's user avatar
6 votes

How does the Percent_Lifetime_Remaining SMART attribute get calculated on a Crucial MX500 disk?

Traditionally, the "percent lifetime remaining" is the average erase count versus the actual flash "rated endurance". This implies that the MX500 has 1500 endurance flash, which is believable for TLC ...
Doug Dumitru's user avatar
6 votes

Do USB memory sticks and memory cards not have S.M.A.R.T. data on-board?

Yes, most SSDs and flash drives use the same basic data storage technology. However, the control technology are completely different. It is the controller which maintains and reports this S.M.A.R.T ...
Nikita Kipriyanov's user avatar
5 votes

Samsung SSD "Wear_Leveling_Count" meaning

Short note on Samsung EVO and PRO SSD: smartctl -a /dev/sda smartctl 6.4 2014-10-07 r4002 [x86_64-linux-4.9.0-0.bpo.6-amd64] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-14, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www....
Arunas Bart's user avatar
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5 votes

Is SMART disabled in all portable USB hard drives?

In Linux we have smartmontools. Its website gives the insight. The most important fragment: To access SMART functionality, smartmontools must be able to send ATA commands directly to the disk. For ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
5 votes

Does wear leveling function normally without TRIM?

To answer the core question, yes, but your drive is suffering from suboptimal performance. (I've reposted the SMART data to GitHub Gist.) Your SMART stats indicate that you've written 21.5 TiB to the ...
bwDraco's user avatar
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5 votes

Windows StorPort spinning up offline drives every 65 minutes

To fix it, you need to add the following keys and values to the Windows Registry: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorPort] "TelemetryPerformanceEnabled"=dword:00000000 "...
Twinsen's user avatar
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5 votes

My SSD is giving several signs that it's dying - what do I do?

As your CrystalDiskInfo screenshot suggests, you do not own an SSD but an SSHD - that means that it is a conventional HDD with a small SSD-unit inside. However, that in itself isn't an answer. As ...
flolilo's user avatar
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