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19 votes

Weird looking paths get added to Windows 10 search index and break search

CSC stands for "Client Side Cache" which is used to hold Offline Files. These are local copies of files that exist on SMB shares like mapped network drives. By default, Windows indexes the CSC so that ...
HackSlash's user avatar
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17 votes

OK to delete Windows.db file on PC?

It is the database for Windows search indexing indeed. You can either safely: Rebuild it. Do that by either searching Indexing options or launching them through Control Panel after showing all icons. ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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13 votes

OneNote is not indexing.

I tried updating the location and rebuilding the index, it took all day, and didn't resolve my issue. I then tried renaming the cache folder and it worked right away. Close OneNote Go to C:\Users\...
Luke's user avatar
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10 votes

Is it possible to search inside PHP files using the Windows search engine (W7)?

Using the Command Prompt you can use findstr which will search for ASCII characters within any files. FindStr Microsoft Technet Example syntax would look like this: FINDSTR /i /S foobar *.* This ...
Harvey's user avatar
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8 votes

How to stop Windows Search from auto excluding repository folders?

It appears to be a "feature" like your screen shot shows. I suggest using the Windows Feedback app to report the problem, or up-voting this Windows Feedback item if that link works for you (...
Vimes's user avatar
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8 votes

OK to delete Windows.db file on PC?

You are correct. The Windows.db file is used for Search Indexing. 116 GB is quite large and rebuilding it will likely result in a much smaller size. For example, mine is only ~800MB. Delete and ...
Blindspots's user avatar
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6 votes

How to stop Windows Search from auto excluding repository folders?

I know this is a late answer to this, but I found a workaround. If you choose your folder (in my case, c:\code) and then go into each repo in the folder and exclude the hidden ".git" folder, ...
Jason Goble's user avatar
5 votes

OneDrive Personal does not show up in Indexing Options after moving to C:/OneDrive in Windows 10

Excuse me for the late response, but the question is still relevant. After disabling the Files on demand in OneDrive settings, the folder will appear in the Indexing Options.
puoli's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes

How to extract numbers from string and separate them by comma (or other separator) (substitute, replace, erase, isnumber, remove, delete, ...)

With Office 365 or 2019 Excel we can use TEXTJOIN and FILTERXML. =TEXTJOIN(",",,FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,","," ")," &...
Scott Craner's user avatar
  • 23.4k
4 votes

OneNote is not indexing.

Go to "Control Panel" -> "Indexing Options" Select "Microsoft OneNote" -> "Advanced" Press "Rebuild"
James Wierzba's user avatar
4 votes

OneDrive Personal does not show up in Indexing Options after moving to C:/OneDrive in Windows 10

I experience the same issue. I keep my OneDrive folder on drive D. After setting it up in another location you cannot add that location to indexing, it simply does not show up in the folder tree. So ...
xeno's user avatar
  • 56
3 votes

How can I index recycle bin?

Use Everything to find files by name immediately. As soon as the indexing process has finished you can type the filename you want and get the result immediately. It works on all recent Windows system ...
Michael S.'s user avatar
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3 votes

How do you perform a search of filenames and contents, WITHOUT using the index in Windows 10?

In file explorer, check the option View | Options | Search | Always search file names and contents (this might take several minutes).
Marco Eckstein's user avatar
3 votes

A faster way to search through files than grepping?

Other alternatives which don't require an index, include: ripgrep ag aka the silver searcher: ack
glallen's user avatar
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3 votes

A faster way to search through files than grepping?

Google code search command line utilties (written in Go) fit the described use case. On debian/ubuntu it can be installed with sudo apt install codesearch To compile from source: If not already ...
ccpizza's user avatar
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3 votes

OpenLDAP complains that the fields are not indexed

Its complaining you need SUBstring indexes, not just equality indexes. You can add them with the "sub" keyword. For example: olcDbIndex: cn,mail,sn sub,eq
Silbee's user avatar
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3 votes

How to get nth value for index and match when concatenating two columns

Not a great solution as it uses Helper Column. Not extensively tested. Please check at your end. E1 has your formula as it is. In F1 put 1 then in F2 put the following formula and drag it down up to ...
patkim's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I make Windows 10 search my settings/control panel items?

Don't know if it will help anyone else but I just got around this by pinning the Control Panel to the Start Menu and then re-indexing everything. I then removed the Control Panel from the start menu ...
Jamie's user avatar
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2 votes

Windows search service crashes on indexing

Alright, so I solved my problem. However, I have no real confidence in that the last step was what truly helped my case, so I'll list all the steps I did in order to get it working again. I tried to ...
Zaroth's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the difference between modifying 'Indexing Option' and 'Allow files in this folder to have contents indexed in addition to file properties'

What is "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties for"? Note that Contents is not the same as Properties. This tells the system that when it indexes ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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2 votes

OneDrive Personal does not show up in Indexing Options after moving to C:/OneDrive in Windows 10

It appears to have been removed as a feature in one of the Updates.
Martin Chisholm's user avatar
2 votes

How do I populate a column based on whether it matches another column or not?

Flip your ranges, the first range is the return value and the second is the search value: =INDEX(F:F,MATCH(B2,E:E,0)) Since your lookup is on the left you can also use VLOOKUP =VLOOKUP(B2,E:F,2,...
Scott Craner's user avatar
  • 23.4k
2 votes

How to find MS-Word with Windows10 search functionality

It works great for me on a Swedish computer with Windows 10 Pro, so either it's a issue on Windows in your language (looks like german to me) or you have a local problem with your computer. Have you ...
Ola Ström's user avatar
2 votes

How to make Windows Indexing pause when the computer is in use?

Stupidly, for years now, whenever I need to get some work done at any computer running Windows, and I don't want to listen to my computer's fan going like crazy, I right-click on the "...
2 votes

Lookup Range based on multiple column and row critera

If the values to be returned are numeric and the combination of color, year and place is unique, then you can use a SumProduct =SUMPRODUCT($C$2:$E$10*($A$2:$A$10=I2)*($B$2:$B$10=J2)*($C$1:$E$1=K2)) ...
teylyn's user avatar
  • 23k
2 votes

Windows could not start the Windows Search service on Local Computer

Open Start menu/screen Type: Windows Search Select: Find and fix problems with Windows Search Follow the instructions to resolve your specific circumstance
Moab's user avatar
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2 votes

Troubleshoot bad search index (Windows 10)

I'll type some terms into the search box in the top-right corner of an Explorer window and press Enter. Sometimes, it runs the search without issues. Sometimes, the search feature seems to crash - the ...
Ramhound's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get Windows to recognize my installed programs on other drives?

The install-directories of the programs are the least of an installation - it is doubtful that what you try to do is possible at all, as installing a program - no matter to which disk - modifies a lot ...
Aganju's user avatar
  • 10k
2 votes

How to extract numbers from string and separate them by comma (or other separator) (substitute, replace, erase, isnumber, remove, delete, ...)

Edit: It seems the real data is more complicated than the sample initially submitted. The simplest way to program this is to use Regular Expressions to extract the numbers Extract any digit string ...
Ron Rosenfeld's user avatar

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