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40 votes

Find file recursively under Windows (dir /s not suitable)

You can use where.exe where /r c:\windows ntoskrnl.exe or, with wildcards: where /r c:\windows ntoskr*
Axel Rietschin's user avatar
23 votes

Find file recursively under Windows (dir /s not suitable)

If the headers are the only problem in your case, use the /B switch. This returns a list of all files matching the filename along with their location. dir filename.ext /S /B
Pradeep's user avatar
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20 votes

Ack/Ag/Pt just list files?

With both ag and ack you just provide the -l flag. e.g. $ ag -l foo file.js
tom-james-watson's user avatar
11 votes

Notepad++ excluding find filters

Note, as of December 5th, 2019, Notepad++ 7.8.2 now supports exclude filters. The help documentation describes exclude filters in the Find in Files tab section. For example to exclude exe, zip and jar ...
n00b's user avatar
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11 votes

Trying to search filenames with special characters in windows explorer (Windows 10)

I only want the files that have the two inside the brackets (2) Use the following search expression: name:~"*(2)*" Notes: ~ is the literal string indicator and what follows has to match the entire ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a directory history for bash?

You can build your own cd command with pushd, popd, dirs builtin commands. Usage cd -- ( list current history ) cd -num ( go to num directory ) cd - ( go to previous directory ) function cd ()...
mug896's user avatar
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8 votes

Search for Files in Windows by RegEx?

Yes with powershell PS> dir | ?{$ -match "^[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3}.jpg$"}
chingNotCHing's user avatar
8 votes

find all files and lines that contains a specific string

It's critical that if you are new, that you first spend the time to ramp up to prevent a lot of unnecessary frustration and confusion you are going to encounter. Do a search on Microsoft Virtual ...
postanote's user avatar
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8 votes

How to stop Windows Search from auto excluding repository folders?

It appears to be a "feature" like your screen shot shows. I suggest using the Windows Feedback app to report the problem, or up-voting this Windows Feedback item if that link works for you (...
Vimes's user avatar
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8 votes

How to list (search) files with a certain name

First, select the Explorer sidebar button or open it with Ctrl + Shift + E shortcut: Make sure it's focused by clicking on it. Then, use Ctrl + F, which is default keybinding before VSCode 1.89, or ...
Destroy666's user avatar
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7 votes

Exclude folders from recent files

This problem was bugging me too. Turns out, this is ridiculously simple. Bear with me. You let Windows pick up the unwanted files and/or folders in the recent list, then go to Quick Access (make sure ...
vacip's user avatar
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6 votes

"Search Everything" without getting UAC popup on Windows 10

Run setup again and select to install Everything as Windows service. Now the 2nd everything.exe runs with normal user permissions without any UAC prompt.
magicandre1981's user avatar
6 votes

Exclude folders from recent files

There is no built-in capability to exclude a folder and all its files and subfolders from Recent Items. You can only hide individual files, after-the-fact, and removing folders from Quick Access does ...
dyasta's user avatar
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6 votes

Windows search behaves strangely with #### B#

I found a couple of fixes, but no explanation. Type "1234 B2", and I do mean type the quotes.  Or file:1234 B2 (or file:"1234 B2"). Without quotes, 1234 B2 let’s say 1234 A2, since it works normally. ...
Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar
6 votes

How to stop Windows Search from auto excluding repository folders?

I know this is a late answer to this, but I found a workaround. If you choose your folder (in my case, c:\code) and then go into each repo in the folder and exclude the hidden ".git" folder, ...
Jason Goble's user avatar
5 votes

How can I force Everything search engine to re-index?

I know this is an old question but this answer can help. There is an option to force rebuilding indexes. Launch Everything, then on the menu bar click on Tools -> Options. On the window that open, ...
Reddy Lutonadio's user avatar
5 votes

Windows find all files under a directory

I want the resulting search listing to consist solely of files Use *.* NOT kind:folder Notes: NOT must be spelled with capital letters. Using a filter such as .** or .? as specified in another ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
  • 159k
5 votes

Search files with wildcard in windows 10 - not possible?

Try to put: file:*.svg That should work.
Dominique's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I find files NOT matching a specific extension in Windows XP?

In Windows 10 (I'm on version 1803) I use the Search box in File Explorer and type *.* kind:-jpg to find all files which are not jpg in my pictures folders (so, videos etc). Perhaps you should try *...
Lawrence's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a directory history for bash?

I have made a script that has similar functionality to oh-my-zsh's dirs -v command that works on bash. If you have ever use oh-my-zsh, you might have noticed that the directory history provided by the ...
M Imam Pratama's user avatar
4 votes

Get size of all files in directory modified within last year

If the num-utils package is installed, numsum provides an easy way to add many numbers; while numfmt simplifies the output: find . -type f -mtime -365 -printf '%s\n' | numsum | numfmt --to=iec (...
agc's user avatar
  • 626
4 votes

Way to match all files in a Finder search

After pressing Command+F, hold down the alt key and the plus sing on the right of the search condition should change into ellipsis. Press it and add the condition "none of these are true: kind is ...
K. Mitko's user avatar
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3 votes

How do you perform a search of filenames and contents, WITHOUT using the index in Windows 10?

In file explorer, check the option View | Options | Search | Always search file names and contents (this might take several minutes).
Marco Eckstein's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a way to search for files by hash value?

Linux example: hash='74e7432df4a66f246b5214d60b190b67e2f6ce52' find . -type f -exec sh -c ' sha1sum "$2" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sed "s|^\\\\||" | grep -Eqi "$1" ...
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
3 votes

How to use regular expressions with Everything.exe

First, just let me say, I am not a regex guru, so I cannot tell you if you're absolutely wrong. ;-) That said, though $ is supported, it appears that dropping the $ to just (_\d)+ works fine, so it ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
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3 votes

Cortana's not searching PC files...?

Cortana will not search all directories in PC by default, you need to configure Index for her, just like search feature. In general, if we want to search a file rather than a system setting or ...
Origami 's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a directory history for bash?

I have had good experience with z-jump It allows completion, although only for the final destination, not stepping through a path. It does show the full path upon tab completion however.
ovid's user avatar
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2 votes

Notepad++ excluding find filters

her is a tip that can help : you hide the folder that you want to exclude and then uncheck the In hidden folders in notepad so that it doesn't search in hidden folders:
aName's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a directory history for bash?

A pure Bash implementation for a persistent directory history menu: # # ~/.bash_profile # cdHistoryFile=~/.bash_cdhistory cd() { builtin cd $@ && echo $PWD >> $cdHistoryFile } cdh(...
mvanle's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

How to search contents of files in folder?

Findstr may fit if you are familiar with Windows command line, findstr is some kind of grep for Windows, and it comes with Windows starting version XP. Personally Im using bash for windows, and grep ...
bladekp's user avatar
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