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7 votes

How to use nginx as a reverse proxy on a Ubiquiti router

NOTE: Upgrading to firmware 2.x or above will allow you to use the new Stretch repository as documented in the tutorial linked to in the question. The Stretch repository updates the nginx package to ...
David Woodward's user avatar
6 votes

Instant reverse HTTP proxy from a Linux command-line

mitmproxy is a fully fledge proxy and http packet analysis tool. The best I've found so far. For your use case: mitmproxy --listen-port 8000 --mode reverse:
TwidXuga's user avatar
6 votes

Nginx reverse proxy to non-HTTP software

Yes, you need to use streams. In NGINX Plus Release 5 and later, NGINX Plus can proxy and load balance Transmission Control Protocol) (TCP) traffic. TCP is the protocol for many popular applications ...
HoD's user avatar
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5 votes

Instant reverse HTTP proxy from a Linux command-line

I was faced with the exact same problem and became frustrated with the software that was around (and still am) and so I made proxyboi. Its purpose is to be an instant command-line only proxy without a ...
svenstaro's user avatar
  • 495
4 votes

How to find which ip is hammering my website?

There is no simple solution to your problem as it is not well defined (particularly with respect of how it reaches your network), however there are a number of tools in your toolbox, including - ...
davidgo's user avatar
  • 71.4k
4 votes

Apache as reverse proxy for multiple destinations and one default destination

Small impovement to Warren Seine's answer (missed "app/" in the first RewriteRule (....$1 [P....) ) RewriteRule ^/app/(.*)$1 [P,L] must be RewriteRule ^...
osterik's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes

NGINX: dispatch a request to multiple endpoints

Too late, but this is what you were looking for:
eventhorizon's user avatar
4 votes

Create certificates for self-hosted apps, for access within the LAN

Use the DNS challenge. Then there's no need to change anything.
vidarlo's user avatar
  • 312
3 votes

Nginx proxy_pass to IP but use HTTPS

I haven't used it myself, but it looks like proxy_ssl_name might be what you are looking for: For example: proxy_set_header Host; proxy_ssl_name; proxy_pass ...
Richard Smith's user avatar
3 votes

Software to proxy socket connections across a TTY-like link

You can use socat to do the job. You need socat installed on machine A and nc (netcat) on machine B (socat will also work). Following there's an example on how to handle one TCP connection (you can ...
Álvaro Justen's user avatar
3 votes

How does a reverse proxy server receive the subdomain?

The Host: header is used. When any web browser makes a GET request to load a web page it sends along a Host: header that the web server can use for things like name-based virtual hosting and reverse ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
  • 56.2k
3 votes

Apache reverse proxy - URL without / is refused

Although it's really difficult to correlate,, and, two issues jump out at me. Here's my take on what I think you're telling us. ProxyPass ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
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2 votes

Apache reverse proxy: no protocol handler

For those that come looking for answers, another possibility is the URL service name to backend too is missing. With LogLevel Debug, and mod_proxy and mod_proxy_fcgi, I was seeing the following: [...
Cameron Kerr's user avatar
2 votes

nginx - how to reverse proxy everything, including directories and assets

The solution would have been: server_name; or just server_name *; plus this proxy_set_header Host $host; which leaves it dynamic. 503 Bad gateway ...
unNamed's user avatar
  • 652
2 votes

How to make nginx rewrite URIs in HTTP body content?

Using the ngx_http_sub_module, one can do something like the following (added into the config example above, immediately under the proxy_pass directive): sub_filter_once off; sub_filter ' href=...
lindes's user avatar
  • 470
2 votes

Setup owncloud server and server on a single machine/ip behind a router

I think the official Rocket.Chat documentation is clear enough: Running behind an Apache SSL Reverse Proxy Run this as root: apt-get update apt-get install apache2 a2enmod proxy_http a2enmod proxy ...
Craft's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

How to host a local server using Heroku?

I started, back when i was a kid i think, looking for ways to host a Public server from Local server at NPM. Searched for keywords like: Reverse proxy Ws tunnel Reverse HTTP TCP tunnel Tried ws-...
wolfram77's user avatar
  • 173
2 votes

Reverse Proxy for all ports

How would I reverse proxy each one? In general: you wouldn't. From your question, it sounds like you're trying to share a single public IP address between many client devices. Both NAT and reverse-...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
2 votes

Why is Nginx reverse proxy to Bokeh server not working?

I was able to set up NGINX to reverse proxy requests to port 5006 by specifying the the --prefix option in the bokeh serve command. Bokeh serve command example: bokeh serve --port=5006 --...
Alejandro Velazquez Alcantar's user avatar
2 votes

Setting up Traefik reverse proxy in docker on Unraid server

The Unraid box currently only has the one IP associated with it so therefore just adding that ip in your docker config won't work. You could add this IP to your unraid box by adding an extra IP to ...
0x76's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

How to setup Keycloak behind HTTPS server

I know this is old, but it remains un-answered, and looking at the view count, this comes up time and again. I assume many many people are finding an answer by themselves eventually but not posting, ...
Marnus van Wyk's user avatar
2 votes

Nextcloud docker installation behind Apache reverse proxy - wrong server url

I found the solution, just after having posted this question... -.- The following parameters need to be added to the /var/www/html/config/config.php file in the nextcloud docker, to set the correct ...
Nicolas's user avatar
  • 153
2 votes

Forward GoDaddy subdomain to a different port on the same server (reverse proxy)

This is essentially a two part process. You need to create the sub-domains themselves in DNS (e.g. with GoDaddy) and then create the Apache virtual host entries that do the actual proxying. DNS ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
  • 17.5k
2 votes

Cannot load mod_xml2enc Apache2 module

First download the libxml2 using sudo yum install libxml2-devel Install the Apache Extension tools using yum install httpd-devel download the mod_xml2enc.c and mod_xml2enc.h place it any directory ...
Syed Tabish Ali's user avatar
2 votes

How to create SSH tunnel through HTTPS or other method?

If your firewall filters ssh packets no matter what port they use, then you can't use an ssh tunnel. So instead of an ssh tunnel, you must use some other kind of tunnel. Preferable a kind of tunnel ...
dirkt's user avatar
  • 17k
2 votes

Local computer and remote computer are behind NAT. How to make local network accessible with SOCKS?

Assumption: Your local Web-Server runs on a separate host with IP Your intermediate server runs on IP Your local host connects to your intermediate server via ssh ...
bey0nd's user avatar
  • 455
2 votes

Local computer and remote computer are behind NAT. How to make local network accessible with SOCKS?

If you want/need dynamic port forwarding you could try the following configuration: l-user : user on my-local-computer i-user : user on intermediate intermediate : ip address of the intermediate ...
bey0nd's user avatar
  • 455
2 votes

How to use a reverse proxy to split traffic between containers based on URL

No, there is nothing in TCP that would indicate which domain name (much less which URL) was originally requested; only the peers' IP addresses and TCP ports are known. So this is only possible if you ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar

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