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26 votes

How resilient are VeraCrypt and LUKS encrypted volumes against data corruption?

In practice, it's almost as resilient with encryption as without it, as long you backup the master key and metadata properly. Apart of metadata, the corruption would affect just the block of the ...
Allan Deamon's user avatar
25 votes

Best order of RAID, LVM and LUKS

First, the order of LUKS and LVM depends on if you want to have different LUKS passwords or other settings for different LVs. If say, you need to set up different passwords for different LVs, you ...
Yan Li's user avatar
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16 votes

LUKS on Ubuntu 16.04 : unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'

To be able to access your files you have to decrypt them first cryptsetup open /dev/sda1 backup where sda1 is the encrypted partition and backup is the name of your partition (that is a very basic ...
Joe's user avatar
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13 votes

LUKS on top of BTRFS raid array

You can't do that, because Btrfs isn't a block-device RAID array, it is a file system that happens to include data mirroring. First of all though, by doing what you did (i.e. trying to luksFormat the ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
10 votes

Why does cryptsetup fail with container 10M in size?

The original LUKS volume format, now known as LUKS1, used to reserve 2 MiB for the metadata header (cipher parameters, key slots, etc.) leaving you with 8 MiB for the actual data. But with ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
9 votes

How can I access volumes encrypted with LUKS/dm-crypt from Windows?

WSL 2 on Windows10 Windows allows now to mount physical disks using the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL). For people who are not familiar with WSL2: ... Windows Subsystem for Linux is a ...
abu_bua's user avatar
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8 votes

How do I determine what ciphers & cipher modes I can use in dm-crypt/LUKS?

The 5.1 kernel, current at the time I write this, has two different formats the for cipher string, the "old" format and the "new" format. Everything in this question so far, and apparently all docs ...
TrentP's user avatar
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6 votes

Linux LUKS and choice of filesystem

I did some testing with a low-to-middle end system. Results below. In conclusion, it seems that encryption doesn't render a filesystem's optimizations useless. As you can see in the table, for ...
Marc.2377's user avatar
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6 votes

Best order of RAID, LVM and LUKS

If you want all RAID, LUKS and LVM I would recommend RAID -> LUKS -> LVM -> FS. RAID --> LVM --> LUKS --> LVM --> FS is no better than RAID -> LUKS -> LVM - to extend ...
Martian's user avatar
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6 votes

Is it safe to move a LUKS encrypted partition to another system and be able to use the same passphrase?

Yes. That is correct. A LUKS volume is self contained and works as you described.
davidgo's user avatar
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6 votes

Linux - accidentally used dd on a LUKS encrypted drive, is there a way to recover?

There is no hope in recovering LUKS container if there is no LUKS header backup. Frankly, the answer is contained in the first sentence, but I can provide more information to explain the situation. ...
Maxim Fomin's user avatar
6 votes

Is there a way to move a LUKS-encrypted btrfs volume to the right?

There is literally nothing special about moving a partition, whether it has LUKS or Btrfs or anything else. The way partitions work is that the filesystem is completely unaware of the "real" ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

Change the keyboard layout of GRUB in stage 1

Since you're using EFI with an encrypted /boot, I'm assuming you're already familiar with grub-mkstandalone Add in /etc/default/grub : GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT=at_keyboard Add in /etc/grub.d/40_custom : ...
Darky's user avatar
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5 votes

MD Raid 1 read balancing algorithm

Linux implementation of RAID1 speeds up disk read operations as long as two separate disk read operations are performed at a time. That means reading one file won't be any faster on RAID1 than on ...
Overmind's user avatar
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5 votes

Unable to mount UDF filesystem created with mkudffs inside a luks volume

The most probable reason for the failure ist the read-only resctriction of the medium when it shall be opened for LUKS. The experiments below indicate that option -r of cryptsetup does the trick: ...
Thomas Schmitt's user avatar
5 votes

Data access speed in LUKS encrypted partition

Encryption adds extra CPU load, as each disk block needs to be decrypted by the OS on access. Your test results (~600 MB/s decryption) are fairly average for generic AES processing on an i7. To avoid ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
5 votes

Migrating from unencrypted Ubuntu 16.04 to LUKS Encrypted install of 16.04

Described below is a procedure I have successfully used multiple times. It works for Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. Unlike the solution proposed by @Arno in their answer, it doesn't require manual editing of ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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5 votes

btrfs, LUKS, swapfile: How to hibernate on swapfile?

The following steps enable hibernate to swap-file on Fedora Silverblue 33, with a btrfs filesystem, possibly encrypted with LUKS. Unfortunately it's not very straight forward, but it works. Note that ...
njam's user avatar
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4 votes

Move a LUKS partition to the left and resize it

This is actually harder to do than it sounds. The reason is that when locked, a LUKS partition must refer to a very specific location on disk as referenced in your partition table in order to be ...
guest4842's user avatar
4 votes

How to make suspend to RAM secure on Ubuntu with full disk encryption (LVM on top of LUKS)?

I've come across the same problem, so I took another shot at porting the same script, which you can see here. It doesn't touch any non-volatile storage after luksSuspend, so it works even with real ...
zhongfu's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I access volumes encrypted with LUKS/dm-crypt from Windows?

2023 Answer You can use Linsk. It is a utility that wraps around a lightweight Alpine Linux VM, allowing you to mount any Linux file system (including LUKS) that is then exposed to the host machine ...
Alex S.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Remove all traces of LUKS from second hard drive

The quick and dirty way to wipe your disk is sudo sgdisk -Z /dev/sda and then reboot. If you want a new partition afterwards, you can create one in GParted, sudo gdisk /dev/sda for the GPT ...
Deltik's user avatar
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4 votes

Luks header overwritten with dd

You asked: Is there a possibilty to recover my header or is everything lost ? I'm really sorry, but the LUKS header contains the passphrase-encrypted key(s) which unlock everything else. Without a ...
bitinerant's user avatar
3 votes

MD Raid 1 read balancing algorithm

If you only have a single stream of sequential I/O the md RAID1 algorithm will keep picking the same disk. From the mdadm man page: [On md RAID1] a single stream of sequential input will not be ...
Anon's user avatar
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3 votes

System encryption LUKS: What's the strongest and most secure key size?

As part of a starting point, measuring performance of encryption types on the system you plan to use may aid in a feasible decision. cryptsetup benchmark
JaInI's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it possible to add a key to an open luks volume whithout providing a current key?

Yes, like this: cryptsetup luksAddKey <DEVICE> --master-key-file <(dmsetup table --showkey /dev/mapper/<MAP> | awk '{print$5}' | xxd -r -p) Substitute <DEVICE> with the block ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes

LUKS - change keyFile using cryptsetup

No idea why @studiohack voted down / deleted my answer (and no idea howto sent direct communications here and I am not paid by so my time here is limited). But the ANSWER was/is right - ...
Reiner030's user avatar

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