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33 votes

Where is the Windows license key on Windows 10?

It's likely that I'll need the new machine's Windows 10 key. You won't need need to manually enter the license key. The OEM license key is embedded in your BIOS and will be detected automatically by ...
Mr Ethernet's user avatar
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10 votes

Get rid of "Resource Busy" message on Mac OS X

try this: diskutil unmountDisk force /dev/disk0 (replace /dev/disk0 with whatever your disk is)
user774082's user avatar
8 votes

How to fix a partition detected as RAW, when Chkdsk correctly reads it as NTFS?

In the end, after I used TestDisk to copy all the important files off the disk, I finally risked running chkdsk /f and it didn't detect any problems, but apparently removed the "requires checking" ...
Sinus the Tentacular's user avatar
8 votes

Change RAW partition to NTFS or recover files from RAW

Just in case this helps someone else in a slightly different scenario, chkdsk /F worked for me to make an unreadable "raw" partition a readable "NTFS" one, without loss of data. My scenario, in short, ...
kindzmarauli's user avatar
7 votes

Weird partition table

If I undmerstand correctly, something is wrong with the partition table. Somehow partition 2 is at the same location as partitions 5 and 6, which might explain the mounting-errors. This is normal. ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
7 votes

Unable to boot into cloned drive after formatting old drive

The problem was with my EFI partition. As Fleet Command mentioned, cloning the hard drive was not enough. I attempted to mark the system partition as active, but that didn't help either since my new ...
jpsnow72's user avatar
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6 votes

Testdisk: How to recover from "Partition: Read error"

STOP ANY ACTION ON THE DRIVE RIGHT NOW. Good. Now you are no longer compounding the problem, let's try to dig ourselves out of the hole. Realize your disk is likely failing - anything you do to it ...
davidgo's user avatar
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6 votes

Linux - accidentally used dd on a LUKS encrypted drive, is there a way to recover?

There is no hope in recovering LUKS container if there is no LUKS header backup. Frankly, the answer is contained in the first sentence, but I can provide more information to explain the situation. ...
Maxim Fomin's user avatar
4 votes

MBR recovery - Corrupted MBR after it changed to dynamic & testdisk gives up . No backup sector found

Earlier I could see my data through Linux and now I can see nothing It's not a good idea to write new stuff on a drive before extracting what you can extract. Stop writing stuff on the drive and ...
Andrea Lazzarotto's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to recover formatted data without operating system?

You should definatey NOT install anything new on the disk as it will overwrite data. Try getting a linux usb recovery distro with Photorec (and another disk drive to write data it can recover too).
davidgo's user avatar
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4 votes

NTFS partition no longer accessible, 3 MFT records corrupted, way to fix them?

So, I managed to fix the issue on my own. I did some research about the structure of MFT records in general, and the particular structure of the 3 corrupted records which I had to re-create (see the ...
GabrielB's user avatar
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4 votes

Recover removed partition

Usually, when you delete a partition, its actual contents remain intact. It's only when you create one that the partitioning tool will prompt to erase old data. So you should be able to just re-add ...
grawity_u1686's user avatar
4 votes

Where is the Windows license key on Windows 10?

You can use the following script stored as script2.vbs Option Explicit Dim objshell,path,DigitalID, Result Set objshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Set registry key path Path = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\...
outsider's user avatar
3 votes

F2FS lost data? won't mount and FSCK doesn't work

I contacted Jaegeuk Kim, lead developer and F2FS maintainer, both personally and via the mailing list. I eventually provided SSH access to a VM containing an image of the failed F2FS partition (after ...
Marc.2377's user avatar
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3 votes

Ext4 fs corrupted after shrunken by parted

Apparently it's because parted only shrunk your partition but not the ext4 filesystem on it. Unlike gparted, parted no longer does anything with the filesystem layer. So you need to shrunk the ext4 ...
Tom Yan's user avatar
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3 votes

Repair Windows 8.1 UEFI booting messed up by Easus Partition Manager? Error Code: 0xc0000225

Use diskpart A common is to use the diskpart utility (available on the Windows 8/8.1 recovery disc/USB) to make sure the UEFI partition has a letter assigned to it. If it doesn’t, you’ll ...
Vomit IT - Chunky Mess Style's user avatar
3 votes

What is raw file folder obtained after using data recovery software?

They are the results of carving. The tool you used most likely performs both directory tree reconstruction and carving as an additional attempt to recover most data. Quoting from this answer of mine: ...
Andrea Lazzarotto's user avatar
3 votes

Overwritten my GPT, but files untouched. Can the disk be restored?

Here's what I did, step by step: Create a GParted Live USB Boot the USB and run testdisk in a terminal i. You will be asked about a log file, select [ Create ] ii. Select the drive you want to ...
DividedByZero's user avatar
3 votes

Broken boot manager bootmgr Windows 10 SSD bootrec

yes, could be bios issue, you should have tried to check / even now check and make sure your bios is up to date to prevent any further issues
Clement's user avatar
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3 votes

Why can't I see my other partitions on Windows 10?

You have to assign drive letters to your other partitions. Right-click the Start button, select Disk Management. Wait until it loads. Right-click partition next to C: which doesn't have a drive ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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3 votes

Recovering/Repairing BitLocker USB

PREFACE Since I couldn't find this information anywhere when I was searching (and I searched a LOT), I'm putting my answer here. Now there will be at least one place on the internet that can answer ...
kyle_engineer's user avatar
3 votes

Copying hard drive partition structure

Is there a way to rename the sda5 to sda4? Yup {and that is why a long answer below this question exists} Am taking my USB pendrive /dev/sdc as example. Modify for your case accordingy First know ...
Madhubala's user avatar
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2 votes

Repair Windows 8.1 UEFI booting messed up by Easus Partition Manager? Error Code: 0xc0000225

First things first, you need to Launch repair computer from an install disc. Next you need to launch the command prompt Run booterec.exe /fixmbr bootrec.exe /fixboot and then you are going to want ...
Frostalf's user avatar
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2 votes

Unhide disk partition that was hid on previously installed Windows system

I had the same issue when moving a drive to a newer version of Windows. Using HxD on the partition table worked for me. Although this article is related to a dynamic disk, it is still the same fix, "...
Randy Schuman's user avatar
2 votes

Why are partition and data recovery utilities saying my 2TB external hard drive is FAT16?

I've recovered data from broken striped raid arrays. The only thing I can think of that might be harder is broken parity raid arrays like raid 5 and 6. Regardless of what anyone tells you if the ...
Cliff Armstrong's user avatar
2 votes

Get rid of "Resource Busy" message on Mac OS X

I had a similar issue to the OP so I thought I would share what I found. My scenario was different in that; 1) I had bought a brand new Sandisk 32GB USB Stick which I needed to use on a different ...
Chris Gillatt's user avatar
2 votes

My old 8TB drive suddenly asks to initialize. All is lost?

Edit: Frist check the Power/Data Cable or test your drive on another PC to make sure the problem is about the Disk itself! Sometimes it is just a Corrupted MBR and you can fix your disk without ...
Omid PD's user avatar
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2 votes

Accessing Files on an SSD that won't boot

"Unallocated" means the OS sees no partition on the disk - it either got damaged or the SSD is faulty. You will not be able to access the files without recovering the original partition. Search for "...
TomEus's user avatar
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