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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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windows-7 nightly scheduled .bat with a DOS pause in it executes but never pauses

The following is my nightly_backup.bat file, scheduled to run every night at 11pm. But though it does the backups ok, I never find it paused in the morning, like I expect it. echo off ROBOCOPY C:\...
Doug Null's user avatar
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schtask Activate task when specific user login

I want to create a batch file that creates a scheduled task to run a .cmd file when a specific user logons. So far I've come up with this: @echo off schtasks /CREATE /RU %username% /TN "TaskName" /TR ...
Kustomize's user avatar
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Connect automatically to wifi as soon as available and if it gets disconnected connect again

My windows 10 disconnects automatically from wifi sometime. My pc is not having monitor i am controlling it over remote desktop team viewer. Also sometimes running cleanup utilities disable the auto ...
raja's user avatar
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Posiblities to login using Windows Task schedule

Im running automatization RPA daily with Windows Task Sheduler (WTS). Its okay but sometimes client lock screen and it wont work. I cant use WTS option to run if logged out because it will run in ...
Bot Plemiona's user avatar
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Will checking the last Modified Date of a WIN7 TaskScheduler file (StartRecording), by means of a batch file, automatically update it?

I'm aiming for a quick way to monitor the last Modified Date of a WIN7 TaskScheduler file for Windows Media Center - probably quicker by a batch file than by clicking down 7 levels in Win Explorer. ...
iSeeker's user avatar
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Creating a BAT to lopp directories and 7zip them

I a have a bunch of folders from my projects under C:\Projects, and they are a lot. While I can throw a task scheduler to robocopy the folder to B:\Backups\Projects\, having to 7zip (or just zip) ...
DarkGhostHunter's user avatar
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Can't get a command prompt window to show when testing a UAC batch file on startup

Most of the questions relating to this seem to be centered on hiding the command prompt window when running a batch file at startup. I seem to be having the opposite problem. I'm trying to run a ...
rossmcm's user avatar
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