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Will checking the last Modified Date of a WIN7 TaskScheduler file (StartRecording), by means of a batch file, automatically update it?

I'm aiming for a quick way to monitor the last Modified Date of a WIN7 TaskScheduler file for Windows Media Center - probably quicker by a batch file than by clicking down 7 levels in Win Explorer. ...
iSeeker's user avatar
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Windows Task Scheduler - When is a task considered "missed" or "failed"?

It is hard for me to boil this down, so the title is ultimately the question I suppose I need answered. Still, here is the background of my question: I am currently trying to create a Windows task ...
JRHard's user avatar
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windows-7 nightly scheduled .bat with a DOS pause in it executes but never pauses

The following is my nightly_backup.bat file, scheduled to run every night at 11pm. But though it does the backups ok, I never find it paused in the morning, like I expect it. echo off ROBOCOPY C:\...
Doug Null's user avatar
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schtask Activate task when specific user login

I want to create a batch file that creates a scheduled task to run a .cmd file when a specific user logons. So far I've come up with this: @echo off schtasks /CREATE /RU %username% /TN "TaskName" /TR ...
Kustomize's user avatar
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making a schedueled task run mnimized

I have a batch file that I run once an hour via Windows Scheduler. Unfortunately, it can take several tens of minutes for this batch file to finish running. Is there a way to make the batch file ...
neubert's user avatar
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