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Iptables redirect outside requests to (VirtualBox)

I have a virtual machine installed with the output: ifconfig: enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::...
moninah's user avatar
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Taskhost Process has high CPU when using VirtualBox

I am running a Ubuntu VirtualBox-VM on my Windows 10 host machine. After the VM is running for some time (not at the beginning), the process taskhostw.exe uses much of the CPU. I normaly use ssh to ...
Twistios_Player's user avatar
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What's the password needed to ssh to Windows

I have 2 VMs, one is a Kali VM and the other is a Windows 10 VM that I've initialised with a generic key (
Saurav Chittal's user avatar
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Setup Linux VM on router

I'm picking up a project that is somewhat out of my depth and expertise so I'll try to lay it out simply. We had a system of sensors that were connected by ethernet to a router, this router had been ...
greg's user avatar
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How to make a no-gui virtual machine on a server?

I've got this Ubuntu server I'm running, and it's really handy to take the load off of my laptop, but I'd like to know how to set up a virtual machine on it that I can ssh into. Obviously, this ...
Thunder's user avatar
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vagrant up and vagrant halt does not work fine. it shows the command failed using the windows 11 OS and vagrant 2.3.0 and virtual box 6.1.36

I have created my own box file and tried running but i am getting the below error. please help on this. vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Importing ...
user2450515's user avatar
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I am not able to connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine (virtual box)

I cannot connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine which I created using virtual box. I've installed the virtual machine and configured it on my oracle linux server using ssh ...
John Williams's user avatar
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How to SSH to a to a VirtualBox VM on a Windows host with NAT from another PC on the same LAN?

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 VM (VirtualBox) on a Windows 11 host. The network is attached by NAT. I have port forwarding in VirtualBox as follows: Name | Protocol | Host IP | Host Port | Guest IP | ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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How to SSH to a Host from a VM (Virtualbox)

It is well known how to ssh into a Virtual Machine from a Linux Host machine (at least with Virtual Box). We have to set a port forward rule into the vm's network settings. After that we can simply ...
TheWesDias's user avatar
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ubuntu server image blue screened

Would anyone have a tip for running a virtual box ubuntu server image? Setting up the virtual box image seemed to go just fine, updated ok, and I did a few reboots. What I wanted to get to work was ...
bbartling's user avatar
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VirtualBox Show button does not show running virtual machines

I'm running VirtualBox 6.1.12, and after running the VMs there, if by any chance the Virtual machine closes, I cannot reopen it by clicking the SHOW button. However, in the preview, I can see that the ...
Aavash Bhandari's user avatar
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Accessing VirtualBox localhost from host machine

I am connecting to a server via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 <hostname> on my Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox. In the VM, I can access the server via "localhost:8000" but cannot ...
Shane Bacon's user avatar
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Access denied when trying to SSH into VM as root

Starting today, when I try to connect to my CentOS VM as root, using Putty, or indeed any SSH client, I can no longer login. The connection is made, but the login itself fails. I know for a fact that ...
Grumbunks's user avatar
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Accidentally corrupted my ssh_config file on VM and can't log in anymore, can I fix this without logging in?

I am running a VM on my linux server, and I connect to it usually using SSH. I was editing the SSH configurations for this VM to try out different parameters, and last saved edit was not working. Now,...
user3570947's user avatar
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If I'm in an ssh session to a VirtualBox guest, can I know if I'm inside a VM?

Say I opened an ssh session to an IP address. Can I tell, from within the ssh session, if that ssh session is running on a VirtualBox guest VM, or on a non-VM machine? Notes: OS Host/Guest: ...
boardrider's user avatar
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