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FreeBSD file group write permissions

I have created a dummy file just to test out group permissions. touch /path/test.txt chown user1:txtwriter /path/test.txt chmod 664 /path/test.txt && ls -la returns: -rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 ...
Teneff's user avatar
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giving read and write access to group and folder

Say I have a group called mygroup and I want it to have a permission of rwx (777) to the folder /var/www . How do I do this? What is the appropriate command to do this in ubuntu?
EquinoX's user avatar
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Using the command "id" in Linux?

I have some doubts with the use of the command id in Linux... I have added one user(andre) to the group "github-total", do if I do id andre I got: $ id andre uid=500(andre) gid=500(andre) groups=500(...
André's user avatar
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Why is my Time Machine backup trying to backup everything from scratch?

I have a MacBook Pro from work, and I backup a single 20GB folder on it called "Projects" that sits within the root directory on the main hard drive. Recently, our IT department had to create us all ...
Joe's user avatar
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Adding an unlisted group in Mac OS X

I accidentally removed the "staff" group from a set of folder permissions and I have no idea how to get it back. Is there a way to get it back, and if so how?
McKayla's user avatar
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Lock users in a directory

File structure: / | root | srv | etc | home | duke | aa | bin | scripts | logs | etc | servers | user1 | user2 ...
dukevin's user avatar
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Linux User Permissions?

I have two users, user1 and user2 which are both in a group matching their user name. I'd like both users to have full r/w/x permissions on all of each other's files as default without having to CHMOD ...
James Haigh's user avatar
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Unix Permissions issue with users belonging to the same group accessing a folder

I have a folder I'd really like to allow another user on this machine access to. I'm using mt-daapd to serve music to the network, so I'd like to enable the mt-daapd user to access my Music directory, ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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How to change the permissions on Linux

How do I set all *.java files in the current directory and all its sub directories to have read permission to all users? I also want to set all files of at least 1 kilobyte in size in the current ...
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Owner group of /var/www

If I change the owner of /var/www to ftpgroup sudo chown :ftpgroup /var/www am I going to have other kind of issues ? Or is that ok ?
aneuryzm's user avatar
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User write in a subfolder when cant access parent?

I was wondering, i have a webfolder and have permissions set to 770 with group being www-data. I would like to give access to one folder to a friend so he can edit images, css, etc. I made that folder ...
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How is it possible to list all folders that a particular user/group has permissions on?

Is it possible to list all folders/files that a given group has explicit permissions on, for a machine running Windows Server 2003? If so, how? It would be nice to see inherited permissions as well,...
Pops's user avatar
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Unix users and permissions and how they interact with web files

When you issue the command ls in Linux you get this sort of thing: drwxr--r-- 1 fred editors 4096 drafts -rw-r--r-- 1 fred editors 30405 file1.php -r-xr-xr-x 1 fred fred 8460 ...
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