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Questions tagged [unix]

Unix is a multitasking, multi-user computer operating system originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs.

1741 votes
10 answers

How can I sort the output of 'ls' by last modified date?

How can I sort the output of ls by last modified date?
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668 votes
18 answers

How to copy with cp to include hidden files and hidden directories and their contents?

How can I make cp -r copy absolutely all of the files and directories in a directory Requirements: Include hidden files and hidden directories. Be one single command with an flag to include the ...
eleven81's user avatar
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644 votes
41 answers

How to execute a command whenever a file changes?

I want a quick and simple way to execute a command whenever a file changes. I want something very simple, something I will leave running on a terminal and close it whenever I'm finished working with ...
Denilson Sá Maia's user avatar
579 votes
7 answers

What is the "You have new mail" message in Linux/UNIX?

Sometimes, when I log into a box and 'su' to root, I get a cute little message saying I have mail (thank GOD it's not AOL). Where is this mail? What does it contain? Who/What sent it? How important ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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431 votes
9 answers

How to get the summarized sizes of directories and their subdirectories?

Let's say I want to get the size of each directory of a Linux file system. When I use ls -la I don't really get the summarized size of the folders. If I use df I get the size of each mounted file ...
2ndkauboy's user avatar
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413 votes
3 answers

What is the Windows equivalent of the Unix command cat?

I want to do exactly what unix "cat" does, but on my PC. Is there a simple equivalent command for the Windows command line? Specifically I want to create a file from all the files of a given type in ...
Kirt's user avatar
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401 votes
7 answers

How can I make chown work recursively?

I've got a directory called pdfs that contains a bunch of sub- and sub-sub-directories. I want to change ownership on all PDF files in all of the subfolders. I just tried this: chown -R someuser:...
Nathan Long's user avatar
  • 26.8k
396 votes
13 answers

How can I search the bash history and rerun a command?

Can I search history in bash and run the result?
Richard Hoskins's user avatar
389 votes
7 answers

less command with multiple files: How to navigate to next/previous

I just found out I can use less with multiple files. less status line tells me (END) - Next: file2.txt But how do I navigate previous/next from less?
Jesper Rønn-Jensen's user avatar
358 votes
11 answers

If I know the PID number of a process, how can I get its name?

If I have the PID number for a process (on a UNIX machine), how can I find out the name of its associated process? What do I have to do?
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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327 votes
5 answers

How can I find files that are bigger/smaller than x bytes?

In a terminal, how can I find files that are bigger or smaller than x bytes? I suppose I can do something like find . -exec ls -l {} \; and then pipe the result to awk to filter by file size. But ...
ceiling cat's user avatar
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276 votes
20 answers

Unix/Linux find and sort by date modified

How can I do a simple find which would order the results by most recently modified? Here is the current find I am using (I am doing a shell escape in PHP, so that is the reasoning for the variables): ...
user avatar
269 votes
7 answers

When should I use /dev/shm/ and when should I use /tmp/?

When should I use /dev/shm/ and when should I use /tmp/? Can I always rely on them both being there on UNIX?
Deleted's user avatar
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265 votes
6 answers

Choosing between .bashrc, .profile, .bash_profile, etc [duplicate]

This is embarrassing, but after many years of using POSIX systems full time, I still have a hard time figuring out if a shell customization should go in .bashrc, .profile, or somewhere else. Not to ...
Avdi's user avatar
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258 votes
5 answers

How to find files with certain text in the Terminal

I'd like to find all files that contain a certain string of text. How would you do that in the Terminal?
Svish's user avatar
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