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Questions tagged [sublime-text]

Sublime Text is a cross-platform GUI text editor for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Use this tag for version-agnostic questions.

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Sublime Text 3 Automatically adds Javascript to Ignored Packages

I'm running Sublime Text 3 with the following Packages: "CSSLint", "HTML-CSS-JS Prettify", "Javascript Beautify", "JavaScript Completions", "JavaScript Ultimate", "JSLint", "Package Control", "Theme -...
Mr. Chameleon's user avatar
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When creating multiple new lines, Sublime only leaves indented the final the line I end up on, and not those above it

In Sublime, when you hit return, it auto-indents the new line, according to syntax. However, if I hit return more than once, going multiple lines down, the previous lines do not remain indented. They ...
Marcus Plimsoll's user avatar
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How can I replace the numbers after the dot?

I have a json file in my hand, I want to replace the numbers here so that there are 2 digits after the dot. I am using (Sublime Text, Notepad). can you help me? for example; I want to write 32.48 ...
theoyuncu8's user avatar
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Perform awk equivalant with Sublime Text

With Sublime Text 3, is it possible to modify an opened file to keep only a given column ? For instance I have an file with this content: a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 I would like Sublime Text to transform this ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Babel syntax highlighting for React not working?

I've installed the Babel package in Sublime Text 3 (I see it in Preferences -> Package Settings), but the syntax highlighting for a sample App.js still looks weird: For example, I would expect the ...
Kurt Peek's user avatar
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Notepad's .LOG command inside Sublime Text 3

I've been using notepad and notepad++ since forever, but now that i've been coding more I'm using Sublime Text 3. One feature of notepad that I miss most is the .LOG command. When a file has .LOG on ...
sigmaxf's user avatar
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Is it possible to get Sublime Text's "Goto symbol" behavior on pressing Ctrl + R in Vim?

In Sublime Text, when I have a file open and press Ctrl + R, I get a type-ahead window with fuzzy matching on all function and class definitions in the file, making it possible for me to type some of ...
Eldamir's user avatar
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Are the shortcut keys in Sublime Text 2 the same on OS X and Windows, if you exchange Cmd with Ctrl?

I am using Sublime Text 2 on OS X, and I really like that editor. Now I need to explain the way Sublime Text 2 works to someone who is using Windows, and of course there's no Cmd key there. I guess ...
Golo Roden's user avatar
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How to apply lsp quick fix in sublime text using a shortcut

This an example of a angular attribute directive. @HostListener is not imported in the class. import { Directive, ElementRef, HostBinding, Renderer2 } from "@angular/core"; @Directive({ ...
user615274's user avatar
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Regex: Select everything up to | but not | (between <title></title>)

I have this example: <title>Square Meters | Dragon White (en)</title> I want to use regex as to select everything up to | but not | (between ...) My 2 regex selects also the |, this is why ...
Just Me's user avatar
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Can't open files in Sublime Text 4 by clicking on paths in iTerm2 after upgrade

I just upgraded Sublime Text 3 to Sublime Text 4. (and love it!) Now, I can no longer click on filepaths in iTerm2 and have them open in Sublime. I didn't notice for a few days, so I didn't ...
David Hempy's user avatar
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How to make each cursor a tab stop?

When editing code with Sublime Text, I often use multiple cursors to put the same text in multiple locations. Usually each location will start with some common prefix, and end with something unique to ...
jayshua's user avatar
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Trouble creating Custom Completions for Sublime Text 3

UPDATED I'm working on Salesforce development using the MavensMate plugin for Sublime Text 3. I'm wanting to create a custom completions file that will contain some common HTML tag class names that I ...
Doug B's user avatar
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What is the shortcut to "Add Next Line" in Sublime (Linux)?

In Windows is Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Up. And "Add Previous Line" is Ctrl+Alt+Arrow Down. My distribution is Linux Mint Rafaela 17.2
Zack Stone's user avatar
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How to install a Sublime Text 3 theme?

I don't understand why I'm getting all these errors: Error loading colour scheme Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme: Unable to open Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme....
Leon Gaban's user avatar
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Sublime text permissions not enough

I have a problem according to which I cannot install new packages through package control, my workspace always reset on load and etc. If I open sublime throught console sudo subl then these issues are ...
Константин Тукмаков's user avatar
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How to make Sublime JSON syntax warn on extra comma

This is for how my sublime text look like when I edit a JSON file: I want that sublime will alert me when there are too many commas (like nodejs json.parse) I need it because some JSON parser thinks ...
Aminadav Glickshtein's user avatar
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In Sublime 3 how can I prevent Sublime from stripping comments from my user preference file?

Each time I reopen the user preferences in Sublime 3 the comments which I carefully positioned before are lost. How can I prevent this behavior and make sure to leave my comments in, such that I don'...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Can't start Sublime Text with gksu

Sublime Text 3 is my primary text editor. I run it as a regular user, but once in a while I need to start is as root to edit some system files. I am used to having edit as root in my context menu on ...
Art Gertner's user avatar
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sublime text: hide view group without closing it

I open multiple groups in sublime and then want to temporarily hide some of them, in order to maximize the screen space of the others. But I don't want to close the group, because I still want to use ...
Malki's user avatar
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Can I synchronize Sublime Text?

I would like to synchronize my entire Sublime Text 3 between my desktop and laptop. I use Ubuntu on both machine. I think if I just sync the entire /home/<username>/.config/sublime-text-3 ...
KOB's user avatar
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Expand selection to next word Sublime Text 3 plugin

In Sublime Text, I know Command + D selects the current word and the next occurrence of it when you press the shortcut again. What I'm searching for is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that assigns the ...
pmurillo's user avatar
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Expand selection from cursor to search term in Sublime Text

I use Sublime Text often for non-coding writing, where the ability to select/highlight text from a cursor position to a search term can be handy. Is this possible with the built-in shortcuts? To give ...
zoned post meridiem's user avatar
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how to have two different settings in sublime text 3

I am doing web development and most of my work is in the following: php ruby Rails (the framework) CakePHP (the framework) javascript AngularJS (the framework) jQuery (the js library) html css I ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
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How to expand selection to include enclosing element in Sublime Text 3?

In some IDEs there is a nice feature (named "Expand selection to include enclosing element" in Eclipse). It expands current text selection to 1 level up syntax element. For example, Eclipse does this ...
Display Name's user avatar
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How to run a file (e.g. VBScript) opened in Sublime Text?

I am learning VBS and making some scripts for practice. I find it inconvinient to switch to file explorer and run my VBScripts. Is there any way to execute files right from Sublime Text?
GlydeR's user avatar
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Make SumatraPDF open advanced settings in Sublime Text

SumatraPDF used to open the advanced settings in Sublime Text, but now all of a sudden it fires up Visual Studio Code (which albeit a fine editor is not the one I regularly use). How do I change it ...
Fredrik P's user avatar
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Regex: Delete the contents of all files that start, the first line, with the word ETICHETE:

I want to use Regex to delete the contents of all files that start with the word ETICHETE: For example, all my files starts, the first line, like this: Eticheta: Semifinala GBOB Crisana - Revista De ...
Rob Rob's user avatar
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Sublime Text Search and Replace

I want to replace all my $r->fields[variables] to $r->fields["variables"] Can anyone please tell me how to do this?
susi's user avatar
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How to type © in Sublime Text?

This should be straight forward: To type the copyright symbol © in Notepad (on a Windows PC) you press down ALT and then (with alt still pressed down) punch 0, 1, 6, 9 on the keypad. In Sublime text 3 ...
Ghoul Fool's user avatar
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' being automatically replaced by ‹› in Sublime Text 4

While using Sublime Text 4 with LaTeXtools in a .tex document (this doesn't occur in an other file format, like a .txt), I get, when pressing "'" to have an apostrophe, this "‹›". ...
Elyo's user avatar
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Is there a way to jump to mark in Sublime Text?

Is there a way to jump to mark in Sublime Text? By mark, I mean under Edit, there is a selection of actions with respect to a marked line. I need to jump between 2 or 3 places in a large file (which ...
Argyll's user avatar
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How to setup Cygwin in Sublime Text in terminus?

I saw a post about how to set up Cygwin in Sublime Text in this link, but it's still not working in my case. [ { "keys": ["alt+o"], "command": "...
RajinCoding2007's user avatar
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How to stop Sublime Text 3 from outputing "junk" when a build fails?

Sorry I know my question is a bit unclear but this is what I mean: As you can see, on a build that fails, Sublime outputs a lot of this so called "junk." How can I stop this from happening? ...
Armster's user avatar
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What's this mode that highlights a chunk of my code in green, and how to get out of it?

While typing in Sublime Text 3 I must have accidentally triggered some keyboard shortcut or clicked something by mistake, because suddenly I'm in some mode I can't get out of. One function in my code ...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
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Update sublime editor in cent os 7

Whenever i open sublime text editor it shows please download new version. I downloaded and file which is "sublime_text_3_build_3211_x64.tar.tbz". I got this file. Now how to install this updated ...
Pramod N K's user avatar
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Sublime Text console window

How do I change the setting of sublime text so that when I build "control+B", with python, the result of the process is displayed in a pop-up console? Thank!
Michael C's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 Terminus using Cygwin terminal wont accept commands (e.g ls or gcc) (Windows)

I have installed Terminus in sublime text 3 and changed the "shell_configs" to use cygwin as the terminal. To do this I edited the code to include the following. { "name": "Cygwin", "...
WhoDunnett's user avatar
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Sublime Text 3 doesn't show separate files in tabs, how to switch between files?

If I open two files in Sublime Text 3 on macOS, the tab bar at the top only shows one item, i.e. just the last file I opened. There is no visual feedback that the first file is also still open, and I ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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Unable to completely uninstall/remove Sublime text from Ubuntu 16.04

I had installed Sublime_text-3 in my system (Ubuntu 16.04). I want to uninstall it and i followed the link and i typed in the terminal ...
D.H.N's user avatar
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subl command does not invoke the editor unless cmd.exe was ran as administrator

On my Windows 10 system, when I open a regular terminal (cmd.exe), I cannot edit files using the subl command: subl myfile.txt The command does not do anything, I did not get any error message. ...
Hai Vu's user avatar
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Sublime Text: how do I edit the multiple line caret insertion key binding?

I can never remember what Sublime Text calls its caret/cursor/line insertion above/below command in the key bindings. On some platforms it is Ctrl + Alt + Up (or Down) and a caret (for typing) ...
nmz787's user avatar
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Typescript syntax highlighting of strings in Solarized light

I just installed the Typescript plugin. (I tried installing through PackageControl and manually). In Solarized light, the strings (in 'single' or "double" quotes) are the same formatting as default ...
jmilloy's user avatar
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Tab completion is not working for nested divs on sublime text 3

Tab completion is not working for my sublime text 3 on Mac OSX EI Capitan. I've checked my sublime text's settings and it's ”tab_completion": true When I type div.container and press tab it ...
biplob's user avatar
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Sublime Text Editor 3 doesn't show traceback when running Python code

Yesterday I installed ST3 and installed some plugins, but I noticed that if Python has a syntax error then it shows an error. But when a statement has a non-syntax error, then it shows nothing. Like ...
MD Sijad Faisal's user avatar
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Sublime Text: move build window to the right

In sublime text I would like to move the build window to the right side of the screen. I have seen the buildview package but I could not figure out how to install it. Could someone help me with how ...
Mark Skelton's user avatar
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Sublime text 3 - show number of bytes selected

Sublime text 3 shows number of characters selected and number of lines.. I want to add a functionality for it to also show the number of bytes (or kb) on selected text.. The number is pretty ...
sigmaxf's user avatar
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How to find java packages to import with Sublime Text 3?

In Java IDE's there is usually a feature that suggests/auto-completes imports, however with sublime text, I end up searching for packages to import I'm wondering whether there is an internal feature ...
Kaan Soral's user avatar
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ST3: New Build Systems / SideBarEnhancement: Keyboard shortcut that opens files to different browsers via localhost

Using Sublime Text 3 on a mac. I'm currently learning d3.js and would like to be able to preview source codes on different browsers via the localhost, preferably, without using 3rd party browser ...
lishechen's user avatar
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Viewing Only One Folder At A Time In Code Editor

I use FL Studio for music production, and one of the best features that it has is the ability to "View Only One Folder Content At A Time", such that if I expand a folder in the integrated file browser,...
dgo's user avatar
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