I am learning VBS and making some scripts for practice. I find it inconvinient to switch to file explorer and run my VBScripts. Is there any way to execute files right from Sublime Text?

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  • Have you installed this package? It adds syntax highlighting, but I don't know if it adds a Run option. VBSEdit is the really the gold standard for editing and debugging VBScript code. It provides direct code execution with debugging.
    – LesFerch
    Commented Jun 30 at 1:26
  • Yes, of course. And still I can't find the run option in this addon. And I'm not really into coding in vbs that much, so sublime text will be just enough for me.
    – GlydeR
    Commented 2 days ago
  • It turns out that it's pretty straightforward. Did you see my posted answer?
    – LesFerch
    Commented yesterday

1 Answer 1

  1. Install the Sublime Text VBScript package

  2. Ensure VBScript is checked in the Tools Build System menu.

  3. Press Ctrl+B or select Build from the Tools menu to run your script.

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