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Questions tagged [string-manipulation]

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3 answers

How to strip suffix with basename inside a find -exec command?

I have not found a way to do the following example with find: $ find . -name "*.mp3" -exec echo $(basename "{}" ".mp3") \; I expected the basename command to remove ...
will's user avatar
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Split readings data into multiple lines

I have a text file containing data about the correspondence of readings and characters in the following style (not actual data, but exactly the same style): yī 一伊依医 yí 乁仪侇仪冝凒 yǐ 乙以佁侜倚偯尻崺已 yì 乂义 I ...
Alexander Z.'s user avatar
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Sublime Text 4 sql highlight inside a string

Currently, if I have sql commands inside a python string, Sublime Text highlights it. However if it's an "f string", it does not recognize the sql inside. Is there any way to make it work ...
franksands's user avatar
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Function to calculate length of a string in Google Spreadsheets when the string contains certain UTF-8 characters

This function returns 6 and it's expected to return 4: =LEN("🥎A🥎B") What function should I use to get the "real char count" expecting that one symbol in the UTF-8 icon map is 1 ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
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How to fill a column getting a substring of another one with a rule

I'm trying to play with the functions LEFT, RIGHT and SEARCH to fill a column with the name of a function extracted from another column, but I don't get any good result. I have a list of functions ...
Víctor Martín's user avatar
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Check string with negative decimal values contains special characters

I need to check if a string with negative values contains special characters. When I type -7.!, -7.@, -7.# the special characters are found, the error message is sent and the program is closed, but ...
Clamarc's user avatar
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Bash or zsh conditional patterns and variable expansions

Suppose I want to generate a filename based on some given variables. track=01 title="Some title" album="Some album" echo ${track}. ${title} (${album}) -> 01. Some title (Some ...
nadapez's user avatar
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Powershell: Using .Split on Filename functioning differently based on filename capitalization

I have a bunch of image files that accidentally got renamed with a "doubled" file extension (e.g. IMG_1469.jpg.jpg). I wrote a script to remove the extra file extension, but for some reason, ...
JWW-CSISD's user avatar
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How do I delete text between 2 strings?

I have tried the regex expression .a href.*?..a. and .a href[^:]++..a. I want to replace .a href=.u.gogogo98. class=.3t5uN8xUmg0TOwRCOGQEcU rel=noopener nofollow ugc target=.blank..u.gogogo98..a. with ...
Allar's user avatar
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2 answers

Notepad ++ / Extract text betwen ^ ^ and add it, as new line

I have a text file that I need to extract specific data elements from it ( the person fullname to add it as new line): ID:363712^CLARK/DEJA G^:e30276c2f826febd3784958:KZxhnbUUouxvMrTEYfGnDZ7YcGjPh ID:...
Daniel's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch - Extract string before the specified character

How to get the string before the character hyphen? The following code gets the string after the hyphen. How can I reverse this? set string=1.0.10-SNAPSHOT echo %string:*-=% SNAPSHOT But I want the ...
John Doe's user avatar
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How to increment group numbers in a settings file?

I have an application with a settings file (.ini) that contains data in the common format: [group1] foo=bar bar=baz ... [group2] foo=bar bar=baz ... ... [group500] foo=bar bar=baz ... where the ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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3 answers

Windows command dir lists files with absolute path, relative path required

I would like to list all filesnames of all files with a specific extension in a directory structure and write this to a file. What I have reached: dir /B /S *.ext > list.filenames This gives me a ...
Teddy's user avatar
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Excel: Extract a project number from a text string (various position and length)

In an Excel spreadsheet I have a column of mixed text strings containing project master data (type, project no., address, theme and such). From this string I need to extract the project number in an ...
aliaz's user avatar
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Remove spaces from first column of colon-delimited file

I have a very large colon-delimited file with two columns: dhsj fdksjdk:dndkdlkfkd shfdosod dkjsosjd:dkj dosjeod dhswisoaidodisbw: dhsoi wjdos fjfdododjfideefkjso sn:fhfdkd dkdjdf If the first ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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