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Questions tagged [snapshot]

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What are the Vagrant limitations for VMware disks with snapshots?

The docs are a bit cryptic about this: If snapshots exist for a VM, disk functionality will be limited. What limitations does Vagrant impose exactly on a VMware VM that has snapshots?
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Btrfs snapshots are empty

I am using btrbk to make snapshots of my @home subvolume, but the snapshots are empty, zero bytes. I think I need to automount home, somehow. I see in the Btrfs Assistant File Viewer that the root ...
shmu's user avatar
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How to unmount /home on a BTRFS system?

In order to restore a BTRFS snapshot of /home, on NixOS, the Wiki says to first unmount /home. "home must be unmounted for this operation" So my question is how ...
shmu's user avatar
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How extract currently displayed frame with ffmpeg?

I'm conducting a test with a 10-second video that plays at a rate of 1 frame per second. My goal is to capture a specific frame as a snapshot. Currently, I use the following ffmpeg command for this ...
Gman's user avatar
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Can I control which file jdupes preserves when using hardlinks?

The jdupes deduplication program allows you to create hardlinks, so that the files are not deleted, but linked together so that the disk space is used only once for multiple copies. Is there a way to ...
allo's user avatar
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Btrfs local Snapshots vs Incremental remote Backup

In a NAS context, I'm wondering about the pros of btrfs local snapshots when incremental remote backup is made on a remote server. I'm also wondering about the interest to have both snapshots and ...
Ozwel's user avatar
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Accurately taking a snapshot from a video using a command line tool

I am looking for a way to take accurate screenshots from a video. Accurate to the milliseconds. I have tried using ffmpeg using the following command: ffmepg.exe -ss position-in-hours-minutes-...
jamana's user avatar
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How to avoid noise from light source while taking photo or video in iphone [closed]

I have iphone 13 pro with triple camera on it's rear. whether it's video or photo there's always unwanted noise coming from light sources and it spoils the video and photos. Please see the areas that'...
Amogam's user avatar
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Where is mounted LVM snapshot volume's size come from?

I'm learning to do backup database with LVM snapshot. While on it, I found some behavior of snapshot that I can't get it. Here is my setup: 1 Physical Volume and Volume Group from it with size 1.95T (...
Samuel Zhen's user avatar
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Apache Ignite - Automatic Cluster Snapshot Create / Restore Procedure

When trying the Apache Ignite cluster snapshot procedure (snapshot create, restore), the restore operation is not successful. Before the restore procedure, we have destroyed the cache which we want to ...
cookie_marsh's user avatar
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How to determine how the data was set when creating the ext4 on the raid0 LVM

I am working on consistent snapshots verifications. We snapshotted the raw device attached (saying two drives sdb and sdc) to a host and want to check the data was preserved with the desired orders as ...
wang larry's user avatar
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borg backup is processing all files instead of modified

please advise how to correctly make borgbackup to process and copy only modified source files and their diffs to destination? every week we make our data snapshot in cephfs: /data/.snap/snap1/ /data/....
Gena Mrt's user avatar
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SLES 15 SP4: snapper.service is being run, but no timeline snapshot is created

I have to new installations using SLES15 SP4, and I have an older SLES15 SP3 installation that was upgraded from SLES12 SP5. While the older installation created "timeline" snapshots every ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Does multiple snapshots influence the performance?

My desktop system(Kubuntu-20.04.4, with LVM2 root-fs) need to be frequently adjusted the configurations, but some configuration would be fault. I take a new LVM2 snapshot of root fs, before every time ...
Leon's user avatar
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Understanding VirtualBox Snapshots

I have a base Windows 10 image that I want to make changes to. I have already cloned it to a working copy. I understand that the smart thing to do is to create snapshots so that I can roll back the ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Vmware: accidentally restored the snapshot how to restore original state?

I had restored accidentally restored the vsphere snapshot how to recover to original state?
user2801618's user avatar
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How to determine VirtualBox vm has finished snapshot restore

I have a ubuntu host and a windows 10 guest using virtualbox. And I have written a bash script to control my vm. I want to shutdown my vm and restore snapshot, then restart it. But here is a question. ...
bbbbbbtttttt's user avatar
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How to make a snapshot of a Linux block device

It is well documented how to make snapshots of LVM volumes but how can I make a snapshot of, say, a hard-drive partition? I often wish I can do this when I need to access a disk read-only but there ...
Joachim Wagner's user avatar
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How can I save VLC snapshots in the video's path?

I know you can set the path where snapshots are saved in VLC Player's preferences. What I want is to save the snapshots not all in one fixed directory, but in the video's directory, provided of course ...
stevenvh's user avatar
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How to make a snapshot while qemu is running?

Since a fresh booting of the guest OS is very slow, or it is laborious to arrive at a particular machine state, what I want is something like Windows' hibernation: Qemu saves the current state of the ...
zzzhhh's user avatar
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How can I snapshot a VM before booting it for the first time?

I'm running MS trial VM images which are time limited, based on initial boot. MS recommend you store a copy of the downloaded image or take a snapshot before booting: But how can you snapshot a VM ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How to take full webpage screenshots with no size or length limit? (really long pages)

How can I take full webpage screenshots with no size or length limit? I want to screenshot the search results on eBay with 200 items in view but it cuts off. I have tried Firefox, Edge and Chrome's ...
PJS1987's user avatar
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rebase virtualbox snapshot to another parent

I'm excessively using VirtualBox snapshots (for use in CI-builders), so typically I have a number of snapshots on a single VM. Often I find my self "forking" a new snapshot from an existing ...
umläute's user avatar
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How to prevent GRUB from scanning lvm snapshot?

My root file system is a LVM2 logic volume, and there are few snapshots of it beside. Every time when I run update-grub, it always add menu entries for those snapshots as if they are normal volumes. ...
Leon's user avatar
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Is there a windows 10 equivalent for Apple Time Machine?

I made a machine for my mother who is not computer savvy. For that purpose I googled "Time Machine equivalent for windows" and found Genie Time line and really wasted my money on that... My ...
papajo's user avatar
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Is stopping a VM before taking its snapshot best practice?

Background I tend to save my VirtualBox VM snapshots while the system is running. This shaves off some time when I resume next work's session. But I have read in a few places that the best thing to do ...
Dave White's user avatar
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How to remove a snapper config when getting error “deleting snapshot failed”?

I am using snapper to take snapshots of btrfs volumes. I have one for /var as well, but decided that I want to get rid of it. It corresponds to the _var snapper config. I can't manage to do this, ...
equaeghe's user avatar
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Make Snapshot of Main OS

Can I make snapshot(something like that) of my main os/host machine(Which in this case is parrot os) ? Because when I use my parrot within a month or so I end up with broken os(because of my tinkering)...
Evil Dead's user avatar
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Can I continue use my VMware Workstation virtual machine before a snapshot completed?

I'm using VMware Workstation on Windows. When I create a snapshot while my guest VM is running, it will take long time (probably more than 10 minutes) to complete the whole process. During this period,...
Just a learner's user avatar
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How to mount System Volume using APFS snapshot

I am not able to mount System Volume (root) using APFS. I only see my Data Volume. $ mkdir /tmp/snapshotbackup_root $ mount_apfs -s / /tmp/...
Hologos's user avatar
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AWS Instance Created from Snapshot Failing "Instance reachability check"

I have a dev environment hosted by AWS (t2.large, RHEL 7.4) that is backed up with a snapshot every couple of hours. Today, I tried to create a new instance from one of those snapshots to run some ...
Josh Hamilton's user avatar
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What should happen if I delete files in a BtrFS snapshot?

I have an openSUSE computer that started with BtrFS early (like Leap 42.2). At one moment in the past the /tmp subvolume had become full (one big file) and I was not able to recover space until reboot ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Create snapshot in virsh for domain with two or more disks

I would like to back up the disks of a VM following the Live-disk-backup-with-active-blockcommit procedure at Libvirt Wiki. I create an external snapshot with virsh snapshot-create-as --domain ...
Michele's user avatar
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Vmware cannot create snapshot

I use Veeam to backup our servers, it has been running smoothly for years. Veeam creates a snapshot of the VM and than backs up this snapshot. After completion the backup job deletes the snapshot. Due ...
Harry's user avatar
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Is it possible to save browser tab, including javascript variables, content of form fields, cookies, etc. for offline viewing later?

I'm trying to save a state of card in browser (preferably firefox or chrome). Is it possible? Something like snapshot in VirtualBox. Let's say I'm using javascript app that doesn't have save feature ...
MarioPL98's user avatar
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I moved a VM with snapshots and I now cant recover from snapshot

I moved a Virtual Machine and it's files to another pc (moved, not cloned), and now I can't recover from snapshots. I have all the files (of the VM) but no snapshots shown in the program. I need to ...
CHR's user avatar
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Shadow Copies are properly created, but in Explorer I can’t access to “previous versions” (reported as not available)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit: I always utilized the shadow copies, not only to restore the OS to a previous version: I mainly use the shadow copies to restore single files, by using the "Previous ...
Dave's user avatar
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What is the purpose of snapshots in virtualisation software?

I've recently started using virtualisation software more often, specifically VirtualBox, and the idea of snapshots confuses me. I understand that they give the user the ability to revert a VM to a ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Running du on timeshift folders give different results

My goal is to find which files/folders take the most space in a snapshot from the backup tool timeshift but, when using du it yields different results: # du -hs * 18G 2018-09-21_16-14-57 910M ...
Paolo's user avatar
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How to perform application-consistent backup of Git repo

Imagine I have a bare Git repository on my own hosted server that is used by multiple folks for cloning, pushing, and pulling. What commands would be necessary to get such a repository into a state ...
jia103's user avatar
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virtualbox snapshot - is it a safe back-up if I want to over-write (dd to) sda1?

I want to do some testing useing chroot to overwrite sda1 (my main partition) in a ubuntu VM. Is taking a virtualbox snapshot a safe way to create a backup? i.e. in the VM I want to create a chroot ...
code_fodder's user avatar
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Btrfs copy snapshot with rsync

So I have been searching for this up and down, but must be doing something fundamentally wrong. What I want to do: I have configured my NAS to make snapshots of my home folder, file system is btrfs. ...
quaylar's user avatar
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Suggestion on how to consolidate VMWare VM snapshots

I was given a copy of a VM with many snapshots. The size of the folder that contains the VM is about 200GB and there is about 371 snapshots in it. ls | grep [.]vmdk | wc 372 372 14513 I ...
beyonddc's user avatar
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How to convert Virtualbox VM into KVM VM, with latest snapshot included?

I have been trying to change my existing Virtualbox VMs (.vdi) into .qcow2 format and run it on KVM. I have successfully done the conversion (.vdi > .qcow2) but, the converted VM is not in the same ...
Nanoni's user avatar
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Taking a snapshot of a demo environment

I am using a 27" Late 2015 iMac. I have a set of applications and websites that I use as part of a demo. Currently, I have to manually load everything at the beginning of the demo and make a set of ...
zgall1's user avatar
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For automating a full backup of a VM, is exporting as an appliance better than cloning the VM?

I recently had a mishap on my VM, where for somereason the settings of my BridgeNetwork got changed randomly. I had to spend quite a bit of time to figure out the root cause. Rightnow, I manually copy ...
alpha_989's user avatar
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Hyper-V snapshot/checkpoint behavior with physical hard disk

What is the behavior of the snapshot/checkpoint feature in Hyper-V when there are physical hard disks attached to the virtual machine? I have a virtual machine with four physical disks passed through ...
user's user avatar
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Test if btrfs subvolume exists

I have a problem in a bash procedure, which should port my old rsync disk backup (and archive) to my future btrfs snapshot backup. I want to use the line: # btrfs subvolume snapshot /targetdir/@...
prometheos's user avatar
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How to access a ZFS zvol SNAPSHOT block device?

I have an Ubuntu 16.04 box running ZFS. I'm using the zfs-auto-snapshot script to create regular snapshots. Included in my ZFS setup is a ZVOL block device. I want to access (read-only) a ...
davidgo's user avatar
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Terminal fails to show the local snapshots on my computer

I typed sudo tmutil listlocalsnapshots / in terminal and entered the password. However, nothing happened. I suppose terminal to return all local snapshots on my computer, but it only returns xxxs-...
user214969's user avatar

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