I have to new installations using SLES15 SP4, and I have an older SLES15 SP3 installation that was upgraded from SLES12 SP5.

While the older installation created "timeline" snapshots every hour, the newer installations do not, and I wonder: Why?.

AFAIR I did not change the snapper configuration from the default, and I verified that the snapper-timeline.timer triggers and the snapper-timeline.service is started, and it exists with status=0/success. Still, no timeline snapshot is being created, while the other number snapshots (e.g. from yast online_update) are being created.

1 Answer 1


I solved the problem by editing /etc/snapper/configs/root: The older system had


while the new system had (among other settings)


So I just enabled timeline creation (and adjusted some numbers like TIMELINE_LIMIT_YEARLY).

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