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-2 votes
1 answer

How To Seach file names contain any digit/number In windws explorer,? Or file name contain digits/numbers fall between given numbered range?

I searched on the web & also tried below mentioned linked pages, but I did not get the solution. In Windows Explorer, how to search files whose Names contain any digits or numbers? Or does the ...
Chirag Raval's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows Explorer Search does not find anything on Pictures, Documents, Downloads folders after manually moving them

Search in C:\Users\Komninos\Downloads not showing any results in Windows Explorer. The quick search is not working for Downloads, Pictures, Documents folders, which are the folders I moved from D:\...
Simanos's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Why search in file explorer finds nothing?

I open a window of file explorer in Windows 10 In the window I can clearly see a file with a name. Let's say [THEfile].txt However, when I write in the search place to the upper right "THE", ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
1 vote
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Search for a file using the Windows Run Dialog Box

I am attempting to automate a Windows Search for a file name. My method work on several folders; however, it fails on a folder named "part #". My process was to Search for a file within the ...
E400Jack's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Explorer search cant find files

While recently trying to located some lost files, I noticed that my Windows Explorer search was not functioning properly. As a test, I typed in a file I knew existed in a location: C:\Users\USERNAME\...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I exclude one or more drives (hard drives) from my search when searching in My PC in an explorer window in Win10 Pro?

I want to search my local hard disks and my removable USB thumb drives while excluding my Google Drive (G:). I'm trying to search using an explorer window using the search box (F3). My location bar is ...
Barry Smith's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide a folder from searches but can still be searched manually?

I am working on a number of manuscripts in Word using Windows 10. I have taken to storing older versions of these manuscripts in a particular folder labelled "Older Versions of Manuscript" ...
user2352714's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

After searching in Explorer, how to get a full path in the address bar?

When I ctrl+f search in File Explorer and click a resulting folder, Instead of the address bar providing a useful path while I'm inside the folder, it instead does the following: What Windows does ...
Anne Quinn's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I search Windows 10, excluding folders yet including zips?

I use a search string to generate statistics of documents processed, I used to use the -kind:folder but then realized it was blocking .zip files. Here are my requirements: YES include .zip files in ...
ExcelHelpNecessary's user avatar
1 vote
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Win 10 search box in explorer: how to restrict search to only filenames

When I search for a keyword "foo" by typing it in the Windows 10 File Explorer search box (top right corner) in a folder it seems to search (correct me if I am wrong please!) within ...
curious_cat's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Search box grayed out in Windows explorer

A long time ago, I ran some scripts from the web to increase the privacy of my Windows 10 installation. Among other things it disabled Cortana. Except for multiple error messages in the event viewer ...
Alex O's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Windows: Search whole computer for a file even if the type is not standard

To test capabilites of the file search option in Windows Explorer I created a sample file named sample_code.h and sample_code.cpp on my disc with some text in them so they are not empty. Now I try to ...
sanitizedUser's user avatar
0 votes
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How to force Windows to search a folder again?

I did a search in Windows 10 File Explorer for files containing a specific string in the file name. Then I either renamed or deleted the files it found. When I searched the same string again to see ...
techturtle's user avatar
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4 votes
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Searching items in a folder by content does not search in .json files?

Using the "Content:" search filter under windows 10, i am able to find files that contain a string, this worked for me with excel tables, word docs and simple txt files. However, now i am trying to ...
Flying Thunder's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cancel Windows Explorer folder search after pressing 'up' arrow

In Windows Explorer (Windows 10), I can type into the search box at the top right to filter the files that are shown. Normally I can clear a search by pressing the little 'x' at the right of the ...
Coder_Dan's user avatar
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How to find (unindexed) files in the current folder in Windows 10 File Explorer?

When in a folder in Windows 10, using the search panel to find files, one would expect an ad-hoc search of the file names in the current folder. However, Windows only seems to find files that have ...
MarioDS's user avatar
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3 answers

FileExplorer syntax for file search when filename contains hyphens

Using the Win 10 FileExplorer, I want to find "myfile-2015-info.pdf" while knowing for sure only "myfile-2015". If I enter file:myfile it is in the (long) list, so I keep typing and file:myfile-2015 ...
Alan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Export content from Windows explorer search

When I do a search in Windows Explorer (Windows10) in a directory with many PDF documents I get the results giving me in the first column the file name and in the second column the path and a a ...
zef's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How do I do a search in File Explorer that includes subfolders of zip archives?

In File Explorer, I can enter search terms in the upper-right search box to search the current folder and all subfolders. I can also navigate the folder tree of zip archives like any other folders. ...
Kyle Delaney's user avatar
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Windows 10 default search location in folder

When you use search in Windows 10 File Explorer in a folder, it includes all subfolders by default. You can disable it for every search to ignore subfolders, but how can I make it default?
gaspo's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Folder Search Sucks

when i do a search in a windows 10 folder using file explorer and the box at the top right, I get a list of matching files and folders. All well and good, but if I open up one of those folders and ...
bharal's user avatar
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Windows file explorer crashes while searching a certain term in the search bar

While searching for a file named "advance" in a network drive, the file explorer crashes and closes automatically. This happens only when the search reaches a particular folder in the directory which ...
theDistantStar's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to search Windows 10 for ANY occurrence of a word?

I never heavily used the search feature on Windows 7, so I don't know if the issue persists on versions outside of 10. I'm trying to search through a lot of files using Windows' file browser search ...
user2029675's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 10 File Explorer | bad characters in file names in search results

I using Win10 (upgraded from Win7 a few weeks ago) in English, and Hebrew as added supported language. Basically everything is fine with Hebrew files names, folder names and so on, except for one ...
TheCuBeMan's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 Search not working

I used WinKey + S very much on Windows 8.1. Now when I installed Windows 10 it seems to be a problem with the search indexer. It can't find anything but some 'settings' items. Things i've tried: ...
wilversings's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to disable automatic search in Windows Explorer?

One thing I like in Windows XP is the ability to type the first character of a folder or file, and Explorer instantly jumps and highlights the first matching item. Windows 7 replaces this feature with ...
willhyper's user avatar
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