To test capabilites of the file search option in Windows Explorer I created a sample file named sample_code.h and sample_code.cpp on my disc with some text in them so they are not empty.

Now I try to search for those files by clicking on Start -> typing sample_code -> selecting documents tab -> search in File Explorer.

When I search the Windows Explorer for sample_code I don't get anything back. Even though the files are here where I left them.

How am I supposed to search for a file in Windows? What's the correct procedure?

  • Suggest Everything from voidtools.com an Open Source filename search tool which will be much more satisfying than search with Explorer.
    – K7AAY
    Commented May 27, 2020 at 18:47
  • In what location were they saved? Commented May 27, 2020 at 19:01
  • 2
    Some may not like my opinion.. but the windows explorer search has sucked since anything post windows-9x and Nt4. "How am I supposed to search for a file in Windows?".. you use something NOT MADE by Microsoft. I have been using this for years.. but it is a paid app. @K7AAY suggestion is probably good. Microsoft search and search indexer suck. They tried to make it smart and failed (for 20+ years now). It will find worthless metadata in an excel file but fail to find simple text in a text file and they NEVER fix it. Commented May 27, 2020 at 19:35
  • @HelpingHand It's nested six levels down in the disc. All folders that are represented in the path were created by me, no default folders were encountered. Commented May 28, 2020 at 0:05

2 Answers 2


If I am confined to use what comes in the tin, I use dir

cd \
dir /A:H-D /s sample_code.* 

The switches:
/A All files
/S All subdirectories
:H Include hidden files
-D exclude directories (i.e., files only)

If I am free to suggest third party tools, use Everything from https://voidtools.com an Open Source filename search tool which will be much more satisfying than search with Explorer.

  • The dir solution did not work. As @DualPolarity pointed out the location I have the files saved in is probably not indexed. However, voidtools did excellent job. Thank you. Commented May 28, 2020 at 0:04

If the locations you saved "sample_code.h" and "sample_code.cpp" are not indexed by Windows, they may not appear in searches.

Search indexing in Windows 10: FAQ

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