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Questions tagged [playlists]

A playlist is a list of media files (usually audio or video) to be played back in a user-specified order (e.g. random, by name, by artist).

2 votes
1 answer

Winamp: Is there a way to know what playlist was loaded last?

I have a command-line script that edits Winamp's playlist. I want to save the playlist after the fact -- but I can't seem to figure out how to find out what playlist winamp loaded last. Perhaps if ...
ClioCJS's user avatar
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Create M3U playlists for iBasso DX50 on Linux

I'm using an iBasso DX50 as my music player and I use Linux as my primary OS. I need to create M3U playlists to be imported into my iBasso DX50. I would try and edit some of the files myself but I don'...
lewashby's user avatar
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Create Xbox Music Playlist from excel list (csv)

I created a few playlists in Excel (just the artist & song title) that I wanted to Import into Xbox Music. Unfortunately the only way I could find was to search for each song indivdually and then ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How do I dump all entries in a playlist with MPlayer?

I can play all the elements in a playlist using mplayer -playlist file.m3u but when I dump the stream using mplayer -dumpfile file.ts -dumpstream -playlist file.m3u file.ts will only contain the ...
Aaron Digulla's user avatar
0 votes
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m3u playlist remove directories

Simple question here but I'm guessing there's not such a simple answer. I'm moving m3u playlists from my PC to my smart phone therefore I mass change the directories to suit (see below) as the files ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to move tracks from one foobar2000 playlist to another?

I like to maintain several playlists in foobar2000, moving entire albums from one playlist to another. I typically do this by selecting an album and using Utilities -> Send to playlist... to select ...
August Janse's user avatar
3 votes
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VLC - Sort by multiple columns, e.g. Artist, then Year, then Album

A two part question, related to playing music in VLC: Can you sort by multiple columns? For example, Artist > Year > Album > Track Number. Is there a way to get VLC to show the year in the playlist? ...
jamiebarrow's user avatar
0 votes
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Resume playlist playback

I'm trying to make my machine wake me up in the morning by resuming playback of my playlist of podcasts. What I've tried: Getting a mediaplayer that resumes playlist playback when you start it: ...
CornSmith's user avatar
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Automatically copy foobar2000 playlist content to specified folder at specified times?

so Foobar is an integral part of managing my entire music collection. I have it setup to automatically boot and run as a UPNP renderer/server etc. I have BTSYNC setup to mirror my collection with my ...
user2309228's user avatar
7 votes
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Display remaining time in playlist in VLC

Is there any way to display the remaining time in the current playlist in VLC? Right now I can see the total time of the playlist: and the remaining time for the current video: but I didn't find the ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to use a regex to organize song lists, changing their order from "Song - Artist" to "Artist - Song"?

I have a long list of songs in the format "Artist - Song", but I want them to be listed as "Artist - Song". How to change all items automatically with a regular expression, preferably on Notepad++?
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11 votes
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How to make playlists for DLNA players?

One thing I noticed when I setup my DLNA server (minidlna on Debian) is that the protocol supports creating playlists. I would like to take advantage of it. My questions: What format does the ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
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Remotley control a media players playlist without interupting the current video

Hi I tried using VLC player's web-interface to change the playlist while my daughter watched it on another computer. Unfortunately it's useless and only allows to stop start and move up and down the ...
sabgenton's user avatar
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Rename new files using old ones

I have a large music collection, and a good number of playlists that I have formed over the years. All the music is neatly organised in a folder hierarchy. I have managed to get my hands on higher ...
user1928721's user avatar
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Sync playlists from Linux to Android

I'm currently using OS X Mavericks on my Macbook Pro, but since it's an older model, I've been experiencing some slowdown since I upgraded. After doing much research, I'm going to replace my current ...
Ev-'s user avatar
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How do I delete songs not in playlists in iTunes?

I have lots of music in iTunes, but there's tons of crap I never listen to just taking up space. Is there a way I can easily delete all songs not in a playlist? All the music I have put into ...
jackcogdill's user avatar
1 vote
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How to focus on the playing track in Clementine audio player?

Clementine allows the use of multiple playlists as tabs - and it would be helpful to always be able to jump to playing playlist and see/focus on the playing track by a simple act like clicking ...
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7 votes
2 answers

How to always highlight playing track in Foobar2000 playlist in the Default UI?

In Foobar's default user interface, the current playing track is signaled only by a very discreet arrow - no bold, no highlight, no different color. The only 'highlighting' happens by selecting ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

AIMP 3 Repeats One Track In Playlist

When I'm trying to play a playlist, it plays the first track and then repeats it. How to make it play the next track instead?
Dmitry's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Where are Nokia Music playlists stored in WP8? [closed]

I have a bit of a mystery to solve. I just bought a Nokia Lumia 820 and set it up. I installed Nokia Music and connected my Windows Live account and Gmail to the phone. When I launched Nokia Music it ...
roryok's user avatar
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How to create a playlist after trimming down another based on rating?

I want to create a mp3 playlist after trimming down another playlist (m3u). New playlist should contain only those mp3 whose "RATING WMP" ID3 tag value is 4 or 5 (this ID3 tag is used by WMP & ...
user79032's user avatar
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How to create really random smart playlist in iTunes?

How can I create a smart playlist which would contain really random songs? Is there any hint how to do it? I've tried to set up in the "Match the following rule" chars like *****, / or ., ...
user984621's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

iTunes Smart Playlist combining 2 genres

Let say for example that I want an iTunes playlist that includes All Hip-Hop and Rap songs. I create a smart play list with: Genre > contains > Hip-Hop Genre > contains > Rap But then ...
Simon Arnold's user avatar
1 vote
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Convert audio-track-id from an m3u playlist to ffmpeg stream id

I have an m3u playlist with the following format: ... #EXTINF:0,10115 - Only Rai #EXTVLCOPT:ts-es-id-pid #EXTVLCOPT:no-video #EXTVLCOPT:audio-track-id=1008 rtsp://
xol's user avatar
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Watch folder with VLC

I love VLC but would love it even more if I could get the media library to watch a folder so it updates when new movies download. Is there a way to do this? I'm on a mac.
mynameisnotallowed's user avatar
13 votes
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Save playlist position in VLC player

How do I make VLC player save my position in a playlist (with audio files) so that when I re-open the playlist it starts where I left off?
axk's user avatar
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deleting a favorite file from Windows Media Player

I have Windows 7 and am just learning about organizing music files in Media Player. If I delete a playlist file I created, does it delete the songs from "Music"?
sallye's user avatar
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3 votes
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Load M3U in Windows Media Player

I've got an m3u file which only has one line (C:\Users\James\Documents\Music). When I load this in Windows Media Player, I get an error saying "the selected file has an extension (.) that is not ...
superwpf's user avatar
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How do I make an iTunes smart playlist by track rating, not album rating?

I have a smart playlist in iTunes which is all the tracks I've rated 5 stars. I recently rated an album 5 stars, now it shows up in the playlist. Apparently unrated tracks inherit the album's rating....
Schwern's user avatar
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Is there a way to automate XML playlist creation for files in an S3 bucket?

I'm working on an XML-based, non-Flash music player for a client. They want to be able to upload files to a bucket and stream MP3s back to their website. I'm wondering if there's a way to ...
nouptime's user avatar
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Is there any way to modify the left-side list in VLC's (2.0.x) playlist window?

It has a dozen listings there, most or even all of which are completely unuseful to me. If I could replace them with links to playlist files, that would be better... but even just being able to remove ...
John O's user avatar
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How to display current playlist/track list in Windows Media Player 12?

On my work computer, Windows Media Player 12 is installed: Version: 12.0.7601.17514. I'm not able to get the currently queued tracks or playlist to display like in previous versions. Here's what I'm ...
rishimaharaj's user avatar
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How do I play a particular playlist with mpc?

I am using mpd with mpc for all my music needs. Now, what I want to ask is how to load/play songs from a particular playlist in mpc/mpd so that it only plays those song. For example, I created a ...
RanRag's user avatar
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Windows Media Player 11 Not Detecting Autoplaylists

Every time I open Windows Media Player it fails to detect my autoplaylists stored in <my music library dir>\Playlists. This appears to lead to sync problems since I (exclusively) use ...
tuna's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to remember positions within multiple files in Media Player Classic?

I tend to have many instances of Media Player Classic (Best Player in my opinion) open because I switch from one video to another, then pause and go back to it later (as in, hours or days). Is there ...
user6004's user avatar
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How to open an iPhone compatible M3U file on Windows?

This is how the M3U file looks like: #EXTM3U #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=1400000 http://maskedip/http_livestr.str?r=true&id=mbit-test&k=testkey #EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,...
sraka1's user avatar
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iTunes creating playlists on its own

Why does iTunes create a new playlist and start playing a few seconds from each one when I try to add albums to my library? It means deleting about 400+ playlists, and having to wait a few hours for ...
derjur's user avatar
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Is there a way to remotely edit iTunes playlists?

Essentially, my use case is that I want to edit the iTunes playlists on my desktop computer at home when I'm not in front of that computer. A specific example: I'm at my computer at work, and I ...
Jer's user avatar
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Copy playlists from Winamp to Windows Media Player

I have several large playlists on Winamp that I would like to transfer over to Windows Media Player. Is it do able? Where are playlists stored? Do I have to convert them?
Steve Robbins's user avatar
4 votes
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How to control which order Winamp plays the playlist?

I created a long playlist, then sorted it by filename, now when i press next button to play next track, it doesnt play the next track in the playlist, but something totally random in that list. How ...
winuser's user avatar
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Is that possible for Windows to play format playlist.m3u8 which made fully support on iOS or Mac?

There are live TV and radio channels which the file format is playlist.m3u8 and this file can be played on iOS as well as Mac OS X. I wonder if there is any workaround or way to make it play on ...
Ali's user avatar
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Playlist file format for video segments

Is there a playlist file format listing segments of files instead of entire files? For example it would start playing a file jumping straight to 3'12", play it untill 5'42" and switch to the next ...
EkOz's user avatar
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16 votes
13 answers

Playlist playing order in VLC media player

When marking several music files in finder, and opening them in VLC media player, the player starts playing the last file and stops. What's the trick to make it play the files in the selected order? ...
Dror's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is there a lightweight M3U editor? [closed]

I'd like to use an editor to open .m3u files, add MP3s, remove them, and at the end save the .m3u. Is there? Opening a playlist of 3000 files with Winamp only for adding a files is too slow!
markzzz's user avatar
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iTunes importing m3u playlists with special (non-ASCII) characters on OS X

I have Mac OS X and iTunes 10.2.2, and several m3u files (standard, non extended) containing the paths to songs that are already in the library, just not organized into playlists. I ran a Python ...
Zac B's user avatar
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How do I create an automatic playlist of albums not recently played?

I'd like to create a smart playlist that includes randomly chosen albums from my music library. Once I listen to the album on my iPod touch, I'd like it to remove that album and substitute a new ...
foosion's user avatar
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ITunes - Duplicate "Purchased on iPhone" playlists

Whenever I purchase music on my phone and then sync with iTunes later, a duplicate "Purchased on iPhone" playlist will be created. The first one will have everything I've purchased in the past, and ...
War Chester Shire Sauce's user avatar
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Can I create a manual playlist and add podcasts episodes to it - Zune

I do this in iTunes to create a list of must listen podcasts so that I don't miss them. In Zune, I was not able to create podcast episodes to playlist. Does anybody know how to do this?
Krishna Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
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Linux mp3 player with specific requirements, especially: playlists with ability to resume for audiobooks

I'm looking for mp3 player (software), running on Linux, but I need one specific option: it needs to be able to remember my position of listening in a given playlist. Scenario: I'm creating a ...
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3 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to store playlists in music file metadata?

I have been trying to think of a way to store my playlists completely independently from any one music player, and I think that one way to do this would be to use each song's tags to store the list of ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar

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