so Foobar is an integral part of managing my entire music collection. I have it setup to automatically boot and run as a UPNP renderer/server etc. I have BTSYNC setup to mirror my collection with my work PC so that I have all my music at work too. I also have setup a custom tag to rank tracks so that they automatically get added to a "Rotation" playlist. So I could be listening to a song at work, rank it, and have that change automatically reflect at home. Every so often, I will select all the files in this playlist and I will use the file operations/copy-to function and copy those songs to a specific dropbox folder which automatically gets downloaded to my phone and tablets. This system works fine for me, but I was wondering whether there's an automated way to have this foobar2000 playlist files automatically "copied-to" at regular intervals.

  • 1
    I thought I can suggest foo_autoplaylist_bind which synchronizes a playlist to a specific folder. But at least for me it seems broken. But please try it yourself
    – nixda
    Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 16:27


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