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0 answers

Is it possible to create a non-forking vnc service?

I followed this article to create a vnc service. The service is forking and uses a PID-file. My version of the service description — [email protected] — looks like this: [Unit] Description=Start ...
0 votes
0 answers

RHEL + kill -9 not really killing the process

We have around 85 running process with lshw Since these process increased the CPU load average , We tryed to kill them with kill -9 but without success root 3275 0.0 0.0 131720 8992 ? D ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get PID of python3 working program

I want to write a program on bash that will restart my script once every some time. The program runs in an infinite loop and launch like this: Python3 So to restart it, I need to do Kill [pid]...
36 votes
6 answers

How to find PID's user name in Linux?

Can you help me to find the PID's user name? Sometimes my server has high load. When I run top -c, I cannot even find the owner of a process which is causing load on the server.
0 votes
1 answer

How can i dump the contents of a file that was opened with nano in a running process? (Linux)

I have run the command ps -ef and found the following : UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 1 0 0 12:30 ? 00:00:00 socat tcp-l:1024,reuseaddr,f root ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to retrieve the PID number of a specific chromium tab?

I'm trying to introduce a solution to a problem and in order to achieve that, I need to get the PID number of the Chromium process that displays a specific webpage (ie. http://localhost:4025). Is it ...
28 votes
2 answers

Linux - alternative places where to store pid file instead of /var/run

As written in the title, where should I let the init script write the pid file? are there any standard paths I should choose instead of the /var/run? Could /tmp be a good place where to store it or ...
358 votes
11 answers

If I know the PID number of a process, how can I get its name?

If I have the PID number for a process (on a UNIX machine), how can I find out the name of its associated process? What do I have to do?
2 votes
5 answers

Get PID of process started in screen by su

i have a simple script that starts quassel-core in a screen session as different user! The script is: #!/bin/sh su ircc -c 'screen -dmS quassel /home/ircc/quassel/quassel-core' I want to start and ...
123 votes
10 answers

How to get parent PID of a given process in GNU/Linux from command line?

Resolved before asked: cat /proc/1111/status | grep PPid
0 votes
0 answers

How to open 100 file with one proccess?

I know the output of ulimit -S -n is the number of fd that a process can handle or create. How can I open files more than that number to reach the limit of my system with one process ID?
8 votes
1 answer

How to find out who (what process) is starting another process?

So no matter how many times I kill exim4 it immediately comes back to life. I have stopped the service and everything but something is bringing it back to life and using it for spamming. How do I ...
20 votes
2 answers

Restart process on linux by its pidn number with kill command, how?

Well, I want to be able to restart processes on linux and so I looked into kill manpages for that. Apparently kill -l would list all the signals I could send to a process to do what I need, which are:...
4 votes
2 answers

What process is the parent of the init process in Linux?

Who or Which process is the parent of INIT process? INIT is the first process which is initialized by the Kernel, kernel is not one process, So what is its parent process id value?
1 vote
2 answers

Portable way to find all PIDs by cmdline

I want to find the PID of all processes which were run by a cmdline call which contains a certain string my_exec. For instance, with macOS or Ubuntu, open a terminal and run /bin/bash, and then in ...

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