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Couldn't add PHP 7.4 to Webmin/Virtualmin

I followed this tutorial which actually referred to this but after I did the installation for my CentOS 7 and went to System Settings -> Re-Check Config at VirtualMin, I see the same PHP versions I ...
henix81359's user avatar
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interpretation of yum error messages

I tried to upgrade php 5 to php 7 on CentOS6 but failed with errors like this: --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: php-mcrypt-5.3.3-5.el6.x86_64 (epel) Requires: php(api) ...
William's user avatar
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Trying to install phpBB (3.2.7) on my CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx and getting 403, 502 errors or the default page

I'm trying to install phpBB (3.2.7) on my CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx, and I keep getting alternately these errors: 403 - Forbidden The Nginx default page saying the web server is functioning, but 404 ...
SKNB's user avatar
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How do I prevent YUM installing a dependency?

I am trying to setup a CentOS server with multiple php versions. I've managed to do this so far by installing the REMI software collections of php56 and php70 and I got Apache running with different ...
frezq's user avatar
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Wordpress Home page only works. The rest of the pages and post returns Nginx 404. CentOS Linux 7.6.1810

I had successfully installed a wordpress site using the webmin but the problem is after i changed the permalinks settings of wordpress to '%postname%' the rest of the pages except the home page ...
Allyn Cuizon Cubero's user avatar
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Apache not executing PHP on CentOS 7 in browser

I've installed the following: [root@localhost conf.d]# yum list installed | grep 'http' httpd.x86_64 2.4.6-80.el7.centos.1 @updates httpd-tools.x86_64 2.4.6-...
IMB's user avatar
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Nothing happens after yum install php72 php72-php-cli

I ran the following commands twice to ensure it's installed: yum install php72 php72-cli returns Package php72-1.0-1.el7.remi.x86_64 already installed and latest version now running php -v ...
IMB's user avatar
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Too many redirects on Magento Installation - Nginx/centos

I have a Magento Installation version Until yesterday It was working fine, but now the frontpage is not working with the error - Too many redirects. On further checking in the console(...
Joshi's user avatar
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curl is executed twice from crontab

I have installed centos 7 and PHP 5.6.29 on my server, and I set up crontab to run this command every 15 minutes: */15 * * * * curl but the command is run twice. Is ...
rrapal's user avatar
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Installing PHP extension mbstring in PHP 5.6 CentOS 6.8

I am using PHP 5.6 on my centos-release-6-8.el6.centos.12.3.x86_64 server. I got following error from one of my PHP function. Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() So, I ...
Sadee's user avatar
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Security regarding nginx + php on CentOS 7 with OwnCloud 9

I'm trying to setup a OwnCloud Server v9 for my freelancing purpose. SPECS: - CentOS 7 - nginx - php I'm a little bit confused. I can find only the info about the PHP Version 5.5 in the ownCloud 9....
Hendrik's user avatar
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OCI8 extension not loading in PHP 5.4, CentOS 7

I have a CentOS environment running as a VM guest. It runs and Oracle 12.1 Database, along with PHP 5.4.16, on Apache 2.0. I've gone through the installation steps to ensure that the correct OCI ...
cartbeforehorse's user avatar
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Allow PHP to execute in a specific subdirectory, when parent directory is denied?

I operate a small shared server and would like to give some of my users the ability to execute PHP code from the browser (but not all of them) but have been unable to do so. In the top level directory ...
Dangus's user avatar
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How to uninstall a manual configuration of PHP 5.2.17 on CentOS 6.7 (Final)

Centos 6.7 (Final) comes with PHP 5.3.3, but the site running on the server needed PHP 5.2.17. Because it is not supported much anymore I manually configured PHP 5.2.17 using this guide: PHP ...
Schwifty's user avatar
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install php-fpm on centos after remoe it

i install php-fpm and php-mysql and nginx then i remove it and update servers kernel. now, when i want to install php-fpm ,.. dont install $>uname -a 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 17 ...
a tired's user avatar
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nginx php can't write files on CentOS machine

I have this PHP code: <?php $myfile = fopen("testfile.txt", "w") ?> And the following permissions in my /usr/share/nginx/html directory drwxrwxrwx. 3 root root 4096 Nov 20 08:51 . drwxr-xr-x....
ctrlz's user avatar
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echo "something" > file not working when sh script is being executed by remote PHP server

I've got a web-server with my hardcoded webpanel for Source server management and I've got my VPS on CentOS which doesn't really want to execute sh script when asked from remote server. Web-server ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to upgrade Nginx and install php-fpm on CentOS

I want to upgrade Nginx via Yum, and also install PHP-FPM as usual. Most blog and online resources use the EPEL and REMI repos, but they're not working on my server. My OS info: Linux SUBDOMAIN....
PKHunter's user avatar
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CentOS: installing a GD Library

I'm running PHP version 5.3.5. Now I need to install GD Library. When I run: --> yum info php-gd, it says Missing php-common 5.1.6-43.el5_10. php-gd-5.1.6-43.el5_10.x86_64 from updates has ...
kmt's user avatar
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ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

So at first I was getting this error when trying to create databases for use in phpmyadmin. ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) I ...
Travis's user avatar
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Install PHP 5.3 for one directory only

I am on a CentOS 6 VPS, with Apache & PHP 5.4. I need to have PHP 5.3 on only one folder, but no where else. How do I install PHP 5.3 without conflicting with my current PHP installation and ...
aborted's user avatar
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Unable to write files on CentOS

I have a VPS running on CentOS 6 and apache2 as webserver. I have several PHP scripts running in my server, and everything goes smooth, except to file writing. For some reason, my PHP scripts are ...
aborted's user avatar
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CentOS 5.10 Yum Packages won't update/upgrade

I've just used yum to install PhpMyAdmin and it installed version which is completely out of date since version 4 is out. I've tried running yum update phpmyadmin but I receive No ...
Karl's user avatar
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How to install php soap with rpm packages in centos 6.4 x86_64

I want to install php-soap, centos says: [root@LMS-Cent64 soap]# rpm -ivh php-soap-5.3.3-22.el6.x86_64.rpm error: Failed dependencies: php-common(x86-64) = 5.3.3-22.el6 is needed by php-soap-...
hpaknia's user avatar
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Convert file to PDF using LibreOffice under user apache (i.e. when using PHP)

I installed libreoffice-headless and can convert documents when logged on into the shell as a normal user. [root@desktop ~]# yum install libreoffice-headless [root@desktop ~]# yum install libreoffice-...
user1032531's user avatar
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Chrome can't connect to server

How can I get all my php files run on a Linux server? I copied all PHP files to my Linux server under /www and I did change config settings like the following. Also I created an error log file under /...
kmt's user avatar
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library for html to rtf conversion [closed]

I am much needed the linux library for converting html document to rtf. As currently, I have used CMS kind of functionality where html is stored in database. I need to convert it in rtf. If any ...
Arun Jain's user avatar
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Trouble installing php-devel on CentOS

Working with a PHP install and trying to install APC on a server to help with speed issues with an application we're developing. We are having trouble getting phpize installed. phpize is not on the ...
swhitlow's user avatar
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PHP Exec function reports failure on some commands that work by SSH

I'm on CentOS 6 64bit with PHP 5.4.12. This is very strange behavior by PHP. See the following script: echo 'Trying Query: whereis jbig2dec<br>'; exec('whereis jbig2dec',$output) or die('...
Alasdair's user avatar
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How to dump data to DVD when the disk space reach 80% on RAID 1, and clean the dumped space from disk after burn

How to monitor in unix (FreeBSD) /linux (CentOS 5.6) the disk space if its greater or equal to 80%? If its equal or greater then 80%. How can i tell dump the data from a specific /misc/ folder to ...
YumYumYum's user avatar
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How to make my PHP script use the second hard-disk?

I have two SATA hard-disk drives attached to my server as shown in the following : [root@cl-185 /]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 222G 166G 45G ...
DeepeshAgarwal's user avatar
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yum install a particular version

I am currently using centOS 5.2 I want to install php 5.3.3. how do I install using yum?
Subodh Chettri's user avatar
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Checking what PHP version I'm running on Linux?

I'm running Centos 5 and I need to know what version of PHP I'm running, is there a command for this which I can run?
Elitmiar's user avatar
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