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Questions tagged [logout]

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Run a systemd service at logout

I have a script that I want to run at logout/reboot and shutdown with a .service file in /etc/systemd/system. [Unit] Description=My description DefaultDependencies=no halt....
Laphroigh's user avatar
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Stop Windows logging me out and closing all of my apps on sleep

Window 11 is logging out when my computer sleeps due to inactivity. At least I believe that is what's happening, as all of my apps are closed when I unlock the screen. If I intentionally lock my ...
noonemuch's user avatar
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Why different Logout options coming

I am working on Debian Stable Linux with XFCE desktop, which is otherwise working very well. I find that when I click "Log Out" button on XFCE main menu, it usually shows me following 7 ...
rnso's user avatar
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Lock user session and login to another after delay minutes

I have two accounts: admin with password and user without pass. When I'm logged on admin, I want to lock admin and switch to user when idle about 10min. A lot of tutorials talk about logging in to the ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to logout a KDE session in a TTY?

I encounter a KDE desktop(Kubuntu-20.04.4) fault, and now it stalled and does NOT response any operation, I can NOT logout in any normal ways. But this computer is running a important service, and ...
Leon's user avatar
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Does Linux go to sleep and pause the calculations when jupyter notebook is calculating?

Is it possible to leave the computer over night with some calculations in jupyter notebook and get the results in the morning even if Linux logs out after a while? Will it go to sleep and pause the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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How to automate log-off after process ends?

My process is Playnite.DesktopApp.exe. I have set it up as my custom shell, so upon logging into my guest account in windows 10, this is the only process that boots up, nothing else. After the process ...
ProprietaryCloudGaming's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Windows 10 Logging Me Off Every 5 Minutes

I know that there are many similar questions on here and on other sites (trust me... I know...) I have been battling this for a while now and I simply cannot figure out why it is still logging me off ...
ZGorlock's user avatar
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Locking/Logging-off Windows 10 after a set period of time

I would like to be able to lock (or alternately log off) a user in windows 10 after a period of time so that I can keep closer control of my children's computer usage. I have tried using shutdown.exe /...
Jacob's user avatar
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Debian: `Suspend` does `Logout` instead of `Suspend`

Today sudenly when i tried to Suspend it logged out instead of suspend. I've tried many different things but, couldn't get suspend to work again; viz. sudo mask > restart > sudo ...
jodobear's user avatar
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Sddm greeter isn't showing after logout in arch

I'm having a problem in arch Linux, i installed kde sddm and when i try to logout i get a black screen with a cursor on it. I've enabled the sddm.service also and everything else works fine except ...
Abhirup Bakshi's user avatar
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how a user session-terminate works in linux?

I'm in arch linux with kde and sddm installed. When i logout i see black screen with a cursor on it. For some reason the sddm is not starting correctly after logout, dont know why. I wanna know what ...
Abhirup Bakshi's user avatar
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Windows 10 Goes to Lock Screen after 1 Minute

This began a few days ago and I am struggling to figure out what is causing my Windows to jump to the lock screen after 60 seconds of inactivity. Each time, the lock screen appears and requires me to ...
Dave Haskel's user avatar
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Force terminal emulator to read .bash_logout (or .logout, etc)

Searching fails me. I noticed that some terminal emulators (gnome-terminal, terminator, maybe others) do not execute my logout file. Works well enough in a virtual terminal, but not through the ...
Pom's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Certain websites keep logging me out (Chrome)

I use Chrome on a personal PC on which I am the only user. I am logged into several websites, all of them with the "stay logged in" tickbox checked. Even so, very often when I go back to ...
z8080's user avatar
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