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Questions tagged [intellisense]

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1 vote
2 answers

unwanted code hints (prettify.css) in vscode

where are these coming from I have disabled all extensions. I am pretty sure that there is no prettify.css or base.css among my project files and yet I am still getting these code hints. How can I get ...
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0 answers

Visual Studio 2022 how to add IConfiguration (appsettings.json) into IntelliSense for autocomplete

I'm looking to see if there's a way within Visual Studio 2022 to get IntelliSense to be able to access all of the options within my appsettings.json if the object type is an IConfiguration type. I'm ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to prevent VS Code from treating the tab-key input as textual-input/tab-stop-insertion, but instead solely as auto-completion-/navigation-trigger?

Preamble: I would like to use VS Code whenever i can, if i could (mainly for the reason that it is cross-platform and the only completely customizable/hackable GUI editor on all major platforms). One ...
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3 answers

Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense not working

As the title states: Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense is not working. I have installed all the possible extensions for React Native and followed many suggested steps to fix the issue, but ...
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1 answer

Is there any way to activate IntelliSense for TypeScript files in

This morning I came across It looks very promising, but what I'd really like to use it for is TypeScript with active IntelliSense. I can see that can create new .ts files. But, ...
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1 answer

Visual Studio Code: IntelliSense stopped finding core c++ includes in MacOS

In OSX Monterey, after upgrading a Homebrew install of clang, something about the default C++ headers got screwed up. I am able to compile from the terminal just fine; it works both if I use the ...
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0 answers

How to get Visual Studio like IntelliSense completion in Visual Studio Code?

Let's say I am typing import matplotlib.pyplot. In Visual Studio, if I press space once the dropdown appears, it autocompletes the pyplot part and inserts a space after. Or when the name of a function ...
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0 answers

VSCode no longer showing text suggestions

I was happily using VSCode for my SQL (jinja) coding. Then, it stopped suggesting words/text in the intellisense suggestions for things like my variable names, functions, CTEs, tables etc. The ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to start the C/C++ language server. IntelliSense features will be disabled

After updating my C++ intellisence by microsoft I am getting the below error message while compiling with ctrl+shift+b Unable to start the C/C++ language server. IntelliSense features will be disabled....
5 votes
2 answers

How to make Visual Studio IntelliSense to not automatically complete a word, do this only by TAB key?

Sometimes IntelliSense behavior is very annoying. For example, typing in c# editor "Random[SPACE]" resulted "Random3DDataGenerator" in my code when the is no "using System;" in the code. I had to ...
0 votes
1 answer

In Jetbrains, how can I see the file paths when I use "Show Usages"?

I often will want to see where a class, object, variable etc is used throughout a project. Jetbrain lets you do this but when it shows you the usages, it will display the file name but it does not ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a terminal that has something similar to intellisense? [closed]

I absolutely love Intellisense when writing code in Visual Studio Is there a terminal app that has a similar feature that could popup a GUI of suggestions for command or parameter completion based on ...
1 vote
1 answer

VScode: 'updating intellisense' forever

I vscode on my Ubuntu 16.04 platform and I've installed C++ Intellisense austin.code-gnu-global and C/C++ ms-vscode.cpptools extensions for cpp project. Here is a part of my setting.json: "C_Cpp....
0 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio not showing method summary

I wanted to move some commonly used code to simple methods and document them so I don't forget what they are for, but for some reason only the getter method has a summary shown. Why is that and how ...
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0 answers

VS Code .NET Core Intellisense not showing suggestions for namespaces

I'm using VS Code 1.40.0 on Mac. When I create a new .NET Core 3 console project and open a class file, I don't have IntelliSense showing me possible auto-imports. For example in a new class file I ...

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