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Questions tagged [intellisense]

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Visual Studio 2022 how to add IConfiguration (appsettings.json) into IntelliSense for autocomplete

I'm looking to see if there's a way within Visual Studio 2022 to get IntelliSense to be able to access all of the options within my appsettings.json if the object type is an IConfiguration type. I'm ...
TechLoom's user avatar
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How to prevent VS Code from treating the tab-key input as textual-input/tab-stop-insertion, but instead solely as auto-completion-/navigation-trigger?

Preamble: I would like to use VS Code whenever i can, if i could (mainly for the reason that it is cross-platform and the only completely customizable/hackable GUI editor on all major platforms). One ...
claudiusraphael's user avatar
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Is there any way to activate IntelliSense for TypeScript files in

This morning I came across It looks very promising, but what I'd really like to use it for is TypeScript with active IntelliSense. I can see that can create new .ts files. But, ...
Rounin's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code: IntelliSense stopped finding core c++ includes in MacOS

In OSX Monterey, after upgrading a Homebrew install of clang, something about the default C++ headers got screwed up. I am able to compile from the terminal just fine; it works both if I use the ...
trbabb's user avatar
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How to get Visual Studio like IntelliSense completion in Visual Studio Code?

Let's say I am typing import matplotlib.pyplot. In Visual Studio, if I press space once the dropdown appears, it autocompletes the pyplot part and inserts a space after. Or when the name of a function ...
Yashbhatt's user avatar
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VSCode no longer showing text suggestions

I was happily using VSCode for my SQL (jinja) coding. Then, it stopped suggesting words/text in the intellisense suggestions for things like my variable names, functions, CTEs, tables etc. The ...
GenDemo's user avatar
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Unable to start the C/C++ language server. IntelliSense features will be disabled

After updating my C++ intellisence by microsoft I am getting the below error message while compiling with ctrl+shift+b Unable to start the C/C++ language server. IntelliSense features will be disabled....
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In Jetbrains, how can I see the file paths when I use "Show Usages"?

I often will want to see where a class, object, variable etc is used throughout a project. Jetbrain lets you do this but when it shows you the usages, it will display the file name but it does not ...
raphisama's user avatar
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Is there a terminal that has something similar to intellisense? [closed]

I absolutely love Intellisense when writing code in Visual Studio Is there a terminal app that has a similar feature that could popup a GUI of suggestions for command or parameter completion based on ...
masteroleary's user avatar
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Visual Studio not showing method summary

I wanted to move some commonly used code to simple methods and document them so I don't forget what they are for, but for some reason only the getter method has a summary shown. Why is that and how ...
Peri's user avatar
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VS Code .NET Core Intellisense not showing suggestions for namespaces

I'm using VS Code 1.40.0 on Mac. When I create a new .NET Core 3 console project and open a class file, I don't have IntelliSense showing me possible auto-imports. For example in a new class file I ...
Jost's user avatar
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unwanted code hints (prettify.css) in vscode

where are these coming from I have disabled all extensions. I am pretty sure that there is no prettify.css or base.css among my project files and yet I am still getting these code hints. How can I get ...
fredestanley's user avatar
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How do you reset the Python Parser without closing VS Code?

When editing python files in VS Code, the parser will sometimes start mis-identifying parser errors in code. The editor still works, Interactive Python window still runs the code, etc. Example: There ...
user15741's user avatar
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Outlining while modifying a multistatement function in SQL Server Management Studio

When coding in an empty query window, IntelliSense gives me useful collapse/expand buttons on each BEGIN-END statement to hide underlying code, apparently called "outlining". However, when I ...
jeroenymo's user avatar
9 votes
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vs2019 downloading Intellisense Index

I am on VS 2019 Enterprise. Just updated about two weeks ago. Background tasks are forever showing "Downloading Intellisense index for" I am behind a firewall, so connecting to ...
torrey garland's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code - Java Intellisense configuration for standalone Java files

I am developing a Apache Cordova plugin in VS Code. This is not a standard java project as there are standalone java files in a src folder What i want to do is configure VS Code to give me code ...
Incubbus's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense not working

As the title states: Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense is not working. I have installed all the possible extensions for React Native and followed many suggested steps to fix the issue, but ...
Bojke's user avatar
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VS Code Intellisense doesn't work with DOMDocument extension

I'm working with PHP through Visual Studio Code and I need to create some XML documents. I've seen that in PHP 7.X there is and extension called DOMDocument that seems really simple and useful. The ...
Belfed's user avatar
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visual studio html intellisense with angular project

I have an angular project work space in visual studio code but either from a recent update or settings, when an HTML file is open it doesn't show variables used in the component. I should be able to ...
Wahrenheit Sucher's user avatar
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How can I get Intellisense to show range based for snipped?

In Visual Studio 2019, when we enter "for" in the editor, Intellisense suggests "for each" snippet, for each (object var in collection_to_loop) { } which is not recommended. And it reports error for ...
hsmtta's user avatar
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Dart and Flutter plugin: Code completion is not working in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the code completion using Dart and Flutter plugins in the new version IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1. The weird thing is when the Class is written, IntelliJ can find the ...
Ipereto's user avatar
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VScode: 'updating intellisense' forever

I vscode on my Ubuntu 16.04 platform and I've installed C++ Intellisense austin.code-gnu-global and C/C++ ms-vscode.cpptools extensions for cpp project. Here is a part of my setting.json: "C_Cpp....
Peiwen_hao's user avatar
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How to make Intellisense metadata persistent in Visual Studio Code

I'm using Visual Studio Code for C/C++ development (and I'm very happy with it). However, I'm working on huge C/C++ projects, which makes Intellisense work for a long time before getting all the ...
Benjamin Barrois's user avatar
5 votes
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How to make Visual Studio IntelliSense to not automatically complete a word, do this only by TAB key?

Sometimes IntelliSense behavior is very annoying. For example, typing in c# editor "Random[SPACE]" resulted "Random3DDataGenerator" in my code when the is no "using System;" in the code. I had to ...
Eugene  Maksimov's user avatar
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VBA: show intellisense without pressing Ctrl+Space?

I've had a good search if this is possible and I doubt it but can anyone confirm: is there any way to have the IDE provide intellisense in the same way as say Visual Studio in the .Net family i.e. it'...
Absinthe's user avatar
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enable IntelliSense for single .cs file in Vs2015

I am currently compiling my C# code using a batch file which calls the mono compiler "mcs" I'd like to use Visual Studio to edit my .cs file IntelliSense, however, neither auto suggest members for ...
Rasmus Søborg's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code for Mac IntelliSense "Console" not working

Microsoft announced today that they have released Visual Studio Code for Mac, Linux, and Windows. I am trying to use IntelliSense for the keyword "Console" but nothing is showing up. I have tried ...
tylerlindell's user avatar
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Powershell ISE 3.0 Intellisense for other programming languages

I really love using Powershell ISE - something about it makes me want to work with it; everything just fits together well, and it is smooth. Also I love the way intelligent autocomplete is ...
dgo's user avatar
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How to disable LESS intellisense in Visual Studio 2013?

I hate that VS intellisense tries to autocomplete nested selectors as attributes. How can I disable just this feature for LESS? -OR- How can I disable LESS intellisense entirely?
roydukkey's user avatar
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Can I update pycharm intellisense for python?

I want to know if it's possible to update Pycharm intellisense for python which doesn't care about capital or normal letters? It's a pain in the neck to try both each time. Currently I'm using pycharm ...
ehsan shirzadi's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2012 Intellisense choosing the wrong item

This minor annoyance has started to really irk me lately. When coding, Intellisense often selects the wrong item from the autocomplete menu. This behaviour is common, but not completely consistent. It'...
roryok's user avatar
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