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Questions tagged [http-referrer]

Header field that identifies where the current HTTP request started

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Google Map API key is behaving erratically

I just moved a website from a subdomain/folder up to "live" status. My page with an embedded Google Map worked fine up til then, but now, the appearance of the map is only showing in what seems to be ...
Roy D. McKelvey's user avatar
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Can I force Firefox to never leak referrers?

From Thanks to a fairly recent development, Referrer Policy, it's finally possible for websites to tell browsers to not leak referrers. It lets you specify a ...
lofidevops's user avatar
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How does get its long Recent Referrals list?

I went to with Firefox, and see a Recent Referrals: (verified) list on the bottom of the page. Some of the sites in my list I have visited, but some were months ago, so I ...
Off The Gold's user avatar
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How to allow only specific domains to receive Firefox HTTP referers?

Until then to hide the http-referrer, I put the Firefox variable network.http.sendRefererHeader (in about:config) to 0. But when I want to log in edX this site ask me for my referrer. That’s why I ...
fauve's user avatar
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How do you block referrer logging in Google Chrome?

I've searched though all the settings I can find in Chrome but can't determine how to disable referrer logging for both HTTP and HTTPS requests. How can I do this?
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How can a referrer be the same as the current url?

Under what circumstances can a visit to a url have a referrer that is the same url as the one being visited? Edit: To clarify why I'm asking, I have seen this happen multiple times on a production ...
jrdioko's user avatar
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How can I see a page's referrer in Chrome?

I've read the "answers" on this question, which is pretty much what I'm asking, but no one actually provides an answer. Nowhere in the Developer Tools (that I can see, anyway) is there a clear ...
EmmyS's user avatar
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Using the Firefox addon "Modify Headers" to change Referrer

Hey there, I want to quickly and easily change my referrer to test something... In the past I know there was nifty little Proxy programs that allowed you to enter whatever you wanted as your HTTP ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
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How to change Firefox's referer header for all http requests

When making a request for (for example), Firefox sends a referer header indicating which page I clicked a link from, or is loading a picture, etc. Eg: Referer: http://...
David X's user avatar
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My laptop lost power after i accidentally plug in speaker cords to usb drive

What possible damage might have done to my laptop after i accidentally plug in my speaker cords to my laptops usb drive because immediately after contact with the speaker cord the laptop lost power. ...
grace's user avatar
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Referral with regex for firefox?

I am looking for a firefox referral plugin. I would like to be able to forge the referral name based on the pagename without extension. Such as I need to set the ...
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6 votes
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How to create a link that uses Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky"?

I would like to send a visitor to this page: But if there is no referrer to, ...
Natim's user avatar
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What is the HTTP referrer for Firefox when opening a link in a new tab?

Just out of curiosity: My default browsing behavior (with FireFox 3.5) is to open links in a new tab. If I am searching something in google, I always right-click search results and open them in a ...
BrianH's user avatar
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