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Questions tagged [dotfiles]

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5 votes
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BitTorrent Sync - Exclude All Specific Subfolders

I want to sync up my dev folder including various project folders, each having node_modules folder inside. I would like to exclude all node_modules subfolders. Here is an example of my file structure:...
Pavel Binar's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Strategy to maintain dotfiles for different OSs (i.e. osx and ubuntu)

I use a Git repository to maintain my dotfiles (vimrc, zshrc, tmux.conf, etc.). As I've two different operating systems (OSX at home and Ubuntu at work) I've dedicated a branch for each system. This ...
don ali's user avatar
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2 answers

Hide files in unix without changing their name (adding the dot) so that scripts that use them still work [duplicate]

Short version: I want to be able to prevent certain files from appearing in the output of ls, without adding the dot, and thus changing their names. Long version: Recently, I moved a bunch of scripts ...
antass's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Any way to wipe out everything I have installed via Command Line?

So I have borked my system. Running OS X 10.8.3, I have installed a mess of stuff; Ruby, RVM, Git, Node, Brew etc... As well as playing with dotfiles ( Which I really ...
thatryan's user avatar
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2 answers

Can gnu screen prompt for a title when a new window is created?

There are a number of questions about automatically naming screen windows based on what's running in them. But sometimes why you created the window is more important than what you're doing in it. ...
funroll's user avatar
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creating ".project" file in windows 7

I just downloaded an eclipse .project file from outlook but was not able to find it. I figured that this might be an issue because the file does not have a name and has only an extension. thus I ...
MozenRath's user avatar
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How to set global conf for PyFlakes?

My Vim is using PyFlakes to check for style errors in Python code. PyFlakes by default request that line isn't more than 79 symbols long, but our team's convention is 160 symbols. So the situation is ...
daGrevis's user avatar
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Cygwin - Repo with Separate Git/Working Dir Doesn't Work

Since I've switched to OS X and Vim, I've found it easiest to manage all of my 'dotfiles' (all of my configuration files and miscellaneous scripts) with Git. Having already set up my dotfiles in a ...
Kyle Lacy's user avatar
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66 votes
8 answers

How can I make "ls" show dotfiles first?

Somewhere along the way I screwed up my ls command and now I get this ordering when running $ ls -AhHl --color=auto -rwxr-xr-x 1 clang clang 640 Mar 1 02:46 apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png -rwxr-...
clang1234's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

change mutt indicator color when hovering a new message

I want to change the color of the text when hovering a new message in mutts index. Right now I have color indicator color111 color236 #indicator line and color index color082 color237 ~N # ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
0 votes
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fetchmail says I have no mail

here's the output of running fetchmail -v my .fetchmailrc looks like this poll with proto POP3 user 'username' there with password '...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I move all Mutt mail into home folder?

I want to move all my mail into my ~/.mail folder. I want my inbox ( $spoolfile ) , sent and postponed. That's all my mail folders, I let gmail take care of the rest. So would this go in my .muttrc ? ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
5 votes
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How can have Mutt scroll inbox line by line rather than page by page?

Is there a setting for .muttrc that I cannot find that will enable this? I'm sure this ssort of thing goes against mutt purists but I bet it can be done. Bonus question: How can I enlarge the space(...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
4 votes
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In Linux, what dot- files & directories should I back up?

At the moment, I am using rsync to backup my /home directory. At the moment, I am excluding some 'dot directories' like ~/.cache, ~/.mozilla, etc. The problem with this is that most of the time spent ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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How to set .ssh/config so it can be used on different computers where my username are different?

Host foo HostName User specialuser IdentityFile /Users/XXX/.ssh/id_rsa Host * User defaultuser On most machines, my UNIX login user name is XXX. But on one particular machine, it is ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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