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Questions tagged [dotfiles]

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23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
1 answer

change mutt indicator color when hovering a new message

I want to change the color of the text when hovering a new message in mutts index. Right now I have color indicator color111 color236 #indicator line and color index color082 color237 ~N # ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
6 votes
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GNU stow. Only symlink files, not directories

I'd like to manage my dotfiles with a Git repository and stow. Here is my current repository that includes the files/directories I'd like to stow and a Makefile with the command I'm using make stow. ...
Adam's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to store confidential info whilst using dot files framework

I'm trying to come up with a strategy to store my dotfiles in Git. So far, I've create a dotfiles repo on GitHub and I've thrown together an install script which simply clones the repo, then symlinks ...
JoeNyland's user avatar
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4 votes
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Hiding files starting with a dot?

In my C:\Users\Me directory, I see a lot of files starting with a dot and they are not hidden files. I can see them even though I unchecked "show hidden files" box in folder options. I see some ...
ErenL's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why is `~/.zlogout` not sourced when non-interactive ZSH shell runs `exit`?

My ~/.zlogout contains the following: echo '~/.zlogout!' Let's run the following script: su user -ls /bin/zsh -c 'echo kaasbier; exit' Nothing is echoed (besides the kaasbier). I am testing this in ...
Silas's user avatar
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2 votes
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gnu stow to ignore dirs

I am relatively new in stow (using for last 6 months). While this is working fine for backing up my config files, it is actually storing unwanted files, and not obeying my .stow-local-ignore. I am ...
BaRud's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to reset Windows subsystem for linux bash after modifying it with dotfiles?

I installed 'dotfile' on my windows 'ubuntu' terminal Now I am not able to work with normal commands like 'git'. Want to know how to reset my bash file to regain the original terminal.
rohegde7's user avatar
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2 votes
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Managing multiple subsets of dotfiles

I'm using git to store my dotfiles, but now that I've started using multiple implementations of Linux, I'm finding that my dotfiles between flavors diverge a bit, depending on what I'm using that ...
GameKyuubi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to Keep Dot-Files up to date?

I've got two computers, one at work and one at home. The work one has a VM running Arch, and the home one runs Arch natively. The work one usually stays at work, but push a lot of stuff back and ...
testname123's user avatar
1 vote
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How to `zcompile` global (system-wide) zsh scripts?

For my local dotfiles I have this snippet at the end of my .zshrc: for f in ~/.zshrc ~/.zshenv ; do [ "${f}"(:A) -ot "$f".zwc ] || zcompile "$f" done This ensures ...
Petr's user avatar
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What means "bind c screen" in .screenrc config?

I only want to understand what the lines in this .screenrc config does: bind c screen 1 bind ^c screen 1 bind 0 select 10 screen 1 I found the config here: Through this my ...
Senkel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Hide dot files using ftp with Windows Explorer (Linux backend)

The company who I used to host my websites with has just been sold to another (, and my websites have been migrated. With the original company, if one was to view a remote directory using ...
peedurrr's user avatar
1 vote
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Problems in customizing the macOS menu bar with MenuSystemUIServer

In my menu bar, I'd like to hide TimeMachine, Volume, Battery, User, Clock and show just Bluetooth, and Airport. I tried to customize it with an sh script: for domain in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/...
Luke's user avatar
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Vundle directory automatically copied to dotfiles directory with weird permissions

I just installed mathiasbynens dotfiles (only the bootstrap scripts, not os x default, not that it matters). The bootstrap script copies all the files to ~ folder (not symlink, copy). Anyways, I have ...
Mattias's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Any way to wipe out everything I have installed via Command Line?

So I have borked my system. Running OS X 10.8.3, I have installed a mess of stuff; Ruby, RVM, Git, Node, Brew etc... As well as playing with dotfiles ( Which I really ...
thatryan's user avatar
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