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Questions tagged [docker]

Docker - An open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.

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0 answers

SCP connection only works one way

PROBLEM: I have a docker container which is Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS running on remote server. I connect to it through SSH. Everything works fine when I connect to it and I can SCP from my PC (windows11) to ...
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1 answer

How do I add a custom template to a self-hosted Overleaf (fka ShareLatex) instance

I've started a local instance of overleaf/sharelatex and I'm trying to add a template class to the data directory so I can use it to compile a paper I'm working on, but I can't find the place to unzip ...
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1 answer

Error in docker pull (linux) "request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)"

Issue type -- error When trying to pull docker containers from I am confronted with this error: Using default tag: latest Error response from daemon: Get net/...
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1 answer

Docker Desktop local Kubernetes not creating pods setup not completed

May-2024 Docker Desktop v4.30.0 I installed Docker Desktop and enabled Kubernetes. I have a config file generated in my .kube folder and it updates certificates when I click the "Reset ...
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Confusion about setting up developer environment for mattermost

Im trying to set up developer environment for the opensource github repo for Mattermost-Server and i am confused about how to do step 4 (
0 votes
1 answer

How host.docker.internal works on Windows

I just want to understand why on Windows the IP of host.docker.internal is not the IP of the host, neither How all of this works on Docker? I've already read the documentation but couldn't ...
2 votes
2 answers

Unknown commands hogging all my cpu. " ./4 -c/tmp/ ..."

this is a follow up for this issue Usually, a few hours after a restart we would get a weidly named process like this htop output Turns out it was from out docker postgresql service and the posgres ...
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1 answer

Executable not found when running docker container

I am trying to dockerize a cpp application and after i build the image in docker and run it i get an error.Error: /bin/sh: 1:home/simple/Main: not found main.cpp #include<iostream> int main(){ ...
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1 answer

How to fix when installing puppet client on centos 7 with dockerfile getting Error: Package: ruby-augeas-0.4.1-3.el6.x86_64

I'm trying to install puppet-client on docker centos-latest with this dockerfile # Base OS FROM centos # Install puppet ENV PUPPET_VERSION 3.7.3 RUN rpm --import
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0 answers
14 views Docker image and strange url access

I use the Docker image from, and in the Docker logs, I see tons of the following URL access: 2024-06-26T15:59:32.559Z getting ...
0 votes
1 answer

How VirtualBox NIC bridging works?

I'm trying to understand somethings. General Part: I'm new on this area and I saw a video of a phisical network that told that a bridge connects two networks and knows if certain host is on the A side ...
-1 votes
1 answer

When updating Wsl I Get an Error

enter image description hereenter image description hereI have Windows 11 machines I installed docker and after installing I got an error "wsl --update" And when I run the code wsl --update ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Cannot install DDEV from PowerShell

I am trying to install DDEV from PowerShell, following these instructions:
5 votes
1 answer

GPG Error on APT-GET docker container (Ubuntu 22.04)

I am trying to just apt-get update on a ubuntu:22.04 docker container. On my local machine, when I spin up a new ubuntu:22.04 docker container and run apt-get update, no error occurs. However, on my ...
2 votes
1 answer

Installing Kali Linux in Docker and accessing it's GUI over the browser

so I'm pretty new to docker and all that stuff. I would like to install Kali Linux as a Docker container and access it's GUI from the browser. How do I do that? I use Portainer as a GUI for managing ...
217 votes
6 answers

How to install a specific package version in Alpine?

I have a Dockerfile to build a Docker image that is based on Alpine Linux. Now I need to install a package as part of this Dockerfile. Currently I have: RUN apk update && \ apk upgrade &...
0 votes
1 answer

Docker Compose network isolation mechanism in Linux

When I deploy Docker Compose services, I found that the Docker containers are all on one bridged linux segment; this much is expected. However, sometimes I have had problems connecting from one linux ...
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1 answer

Linux Docker compose container cannot ping another bridged Docker container

Overview I need a Docker Compose zabbix host to ping a host on a containerlab docker network. These two Docker networks run under a linux Docker host machine as below... This information comes from ...
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Docker container cannot start. runc create failed

I'm trying to deploy some Docker containers. There seems to be 2 major errors popping up: When attempting to run a container with an existing image on the machine I get this error: docker: Error ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I add SSL in keycloak in docker

I'm having an issue adding SSL certificate to Keycloak that is running on docker. I bought an SSL Certificate from Godaddy, but don't know how to add Keycloak on docker. I was looking through Google ...
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1 answer

Is Bridge Mode on Docker the same thing as NAT Network on VirtualBox?

For me they're the same. There's the host that handles the IP's to the virtual machines and they can communicate with each other and with the host, but not see other devices on the Local Network. ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to access wireguard server host over its dockered wireguard VPN?

Situation: A Raspberry Pi 4B with Ubunut 22.04LTS running Docker compose. I installed docker compose with wireguard server from
0 votes
0 answers

How to set-up Nginx conf to not pick Alphabetic order incase URL doesn't match reques

Wasn't sure how to word out the title but i have multiple docker server running wp/nginx Now we have a conf with a block for 80 and 443 for every site in the conf.d dir and in Cloudflare point the ip ...
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1 answer

Can't make https request from inside docker container, but it works fine on the host machine

In my application I need to make request from Docker container to my company's internal JIRA instance, but the requests always time out. I can make https requests to other sites from inside the ...
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0 answers

RPi 4 Keeps Hanging: Docker Services & SSH Fail Randomly

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with an SSD running Raspberry OS Lite. I run Docker containers for Home Assistant, Pi-Hole, and NetDaemon. I've been experiencing random hangs where the system becomes ...
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1 answer

Docker has network docker0 status DOWN

I want to make a Wireguard VPN server from my Raspberry Pi. It is a Raspberry Pi 4B running Ubuntu 22.04. I have done other attempts in with installing wireguard directly (apt install wireguard no ...
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0 answers

I can’t start the Docker container, error ‘mkdocs.yaml’ does not exist

I'm new to using Docker, I saw that it was just to generate the image and upload the container. But every time I'm going to do this an error comes up: 2024-06-10 22:04:40 Error: Config file 'mkdocs....
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot add wiki page to Gitlab project - not found

Trying to add first wiki page to my project on self-hosted Gitlab (docker container). Appears error - 13:commit: open repository: config value '' was not found. Meantime commits for code ...
2 votes
1 answer

Installing / Updating Docker Desktop on Mac without admin

I have a Mac where I do not have admin rights. I have requested and received temporary admin rights on the machine to install Docker. I just recently read that if we can install any software in a ...
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1 answer

How to access Windows shared network drive from Windows Docker Container

I need to access my network shared drive D: from my Windows container. Using Docker Desktop with Windows containers and Windows 10 Pro 1903. I tried using: docker run --rm -it mydocker/image ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to change the default user of docker minio/minio:latest from root to any other username/group?

I am using minio/minio:latest image in my docker-compose.yaml file, and I want the minio docker container to have a user other than root. after checking the /usr/bin/ shipped with ...
6 votes
2 answers

Docker Desktop 3.1.0 for Windows 10 Installation Failed

I have Windows 10 Pro version 1903 (build 18362.836). Hyper-V is enabled. Docker Desktop 3.1.0 failed to install with the following error. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Component ...
1 vote
1 answer

ISPconfig/Nginx/wordpress to nginx proxy manager | wordpress using permalinks/postname

I am migrating my wordpress site from Ispconfig/Apache to Ispconfig/Nginx and introducing Nginx proxy manager in the mix. The problem seems to be the following: htaccess is not enabled in nginx are ...
3 votes
1 answer

docker in docker without privileged mode

Last time I used docker in docker for runners, but it requires privileged mode compose file: version: '3.7' services: runner: image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest volumes: - ./config:/...
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1 answer

Can't access docker container through port forwarded host machine from external hosts

I'm running docker container using below command and this container's host is in the internal private network. docker run --restart always --name srs2 -d -p 1935:1935 -p 1985:1985 -p 8080:8080 -p 8000:...
36 votes
9 answers

How to remove all the vEthernet (Default Switch) once and for all?

As in the screenshot above, I don't know why the vEthernet (Default Switch) on my Windows 10 laptop keeps reproducing itself and auto connecting to it everytime I shut down and switch on the laptop. ...
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 10 - Hyper-V Support : Yes, Virtualization: Disabled

I've gone through all the steps and gotten Hyper-V enabled properly, but my system still shows Virtualization as disabled even though it also shows Hyper-V is enabled. I have enabled Hyper-V in ...
2 votes
3 answers

MariaDB --tc-heuristic-recover in Docker container

I have a MariaDB database in a docker container for my home automation (homeassistant). For some reason it stopped working and I get this error in the docker system logs: 221001 12:27:03 mysqld_safe ...
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1 answer

Docker containers exiting due to supervisor

I've built an image from Ubuntu 18 as base image. It has multiple service like nginx, php-fpm and ssh installed. Everything was working, the container was getting created, I could access the ...
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1 answer

Supervisor - unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock no such file when nodeamon=true

I have a problem with supervisor. My supervisord.conf looks like:[unix_http_server] file=/run/supervisor/supervisor.sock [supervisorctl] serverurl=unix:///run/supervisor/supervisor.sock [supervisord]...
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2 answers

Best way to automatically update docker container to latest image version from a Github action?

I have a server that I deploy many of my personal projects to. These projects are stored & built on Github and deployed automatically via Github actions. I originally did this via the SSH Deploy ...
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1 answer

Jenkins + Docker: Error response from daemon: Container not running

I am currently trying out my first Jenkins project. Which is supposed to be a simple create and publish a Docker Image if there's a commit on Github. I'm using an EC2 instance which has Jenkins and ...
4 votes
0 answers

Accessing Docker's volume using WinSCP

I have 2 Ubuntu 20.04.1 machines with Docker installed. I would like to access the content of Docker volumes using WinSCP. i.e. access the path /var/lib/docker/volumes/my_vol_name/_data which is fully ...
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0 answers

WSL docker compose volume bind mount empty on host

I have Gitea on WSL as a docker container: version: "3" services: server: image: gitea/gitea:latest container_name: gitea mem_reservation: "1G" mem_limit: "...
2 votes
1 answer

Installing keytool without JDK

I am trying to install keytool in a docker image based on centos but I get an error. Example to reproduce Dockerfile: FROM centos:7.9.2009 ...
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1 answer

Installing latest docker compose release on debian

I am trying to install an up-to date docker compose on debian so I can use the new include keyword and am getting a version mismatch between the apt info and docker compose version. I have added the ...
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0 answers

Use firewalld to block some docker Application

i have a virtual machine (libvirt) running docker and some application on it. Some applications should not accessed from the host system but they need to be accessed from the docker host. So i tried ...
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2 answers

Modify the contents of php.ini in my Dockerfile

I'm using containers which run php environments and in my Dockerfile I set php.ini from the development template cp /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini-development /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini then once the ...
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0 answers

Elasticsearch autostart after Linux Mint upgrade

I've Googled and search here but only find how to start or autostart Elasticsearch on Linux Mint (in or not in Docker), etc. After upgrading Linux Mint (desktop) yesterday (15 may 2024) I found that ...
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1 answer

"Operation not permitted" when accessing a NFS mounted directory inside a docker container

I am working on a Web-App which needs access to a QNAP-NAS file system to edit and create directories and files inside it. In order to mount the NFS to the docker container, I used the following ...

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