Wasn't sure how to word out the title but i have multiple docker server running wp/nginx Now we have a conf with a block for 80 and 443 for every site in the conf.d dir and in Cloudflare point the ip to domain name and www records issue is sometimes the site either down or a junior sys admin might need to add a wild card ssl and will update the certs, update the Cloudflare but for example forget to add the wild card to the nginx conf

Now what we have is a record of * pointing to ip so test.example.com test being the wildcard here will not redirect to example.com it will go to the very first alphabetical order in the conf.d and point it there so *.example.com will go to {alphabetic.first}

i tried multiple attempts at nginx conf what can i do?

i tried tunneling the request to some form of reverse proxy or make a dummy site to take these requessts and show 500 but all of these hurts us on the SEO side of things by having our site be linked to other sites that is also dangerous with google and we have alot of sites

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    Commented Jun 15 at 15:31


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