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Questions tagged [dir]

for questions related to the `dir` command, which lists directory contents in MS-DOS and Windows-based operating systems

8 votes
2 answers

Change Default Sorting Order of 'dir' Command in Windows

By default, Windows' dir command sorts files and directories alphabetically without grouping. The result is files and directories appear interleaved with one another. Sample output: F:\Dev Kits>...
Larssend's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Changing the order of columns displayed with `ls`

Is it possible to change the order of displayed columns when running ls -l on *nix (or dir on Windows)? For example, I'd like to see the date modified, then the name, then other fields (or select ...
warren's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

list files with first char within specific range

I need to list all files that have first char within a specific range. If I use Powershell I can do this with gci [a-c]* How can I do it from command line?
nick rulez's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to pipe a list of files to RMDIR on Windows?

I am writing a batch file for the Windows command prompt to delete all directories matching a certain expression. I am first using DIR to return a plain list of directories matching the expression. I ...
user78755's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

WinXP dir command: 3 and 4 char extensions are the same?

I'm trying to recursively search a directory tree to find all of the .asp files using the following command: dir *.asp /s For some reason, this returns not only the asp files, but also the aspx ...
chris's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Directory search in Windows Command Prompt shows incorrect output

I searched for the following and it gave me the exact output (folder names changed) C:\temp>dir *950*.pdf /s Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is ABCDE Directory of C:\temp\...
siliconpi's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Where are the standard Windows prompt commands files?

If I type dir in the command line, I guess it executes a dir.exe hidden somewhere in the system. Is there such a file? Where is it?
Jader Dias's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

On Windows 7, dir or tree can't show unicode characters, even starting cmd with cmd /U

On Windows 7, dir or tree can't show unicode characters, even starting cmd with cmd /U So I would press Window Key + R to run something, and type in cmd /U so that the content might handle Unicode. ...
nonopolarity's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

command-line / batch file to list all the jar files?

I want to list all the jar files in subdirectories of a specified path, on a Windows computer, along with the file size & times. dir /s gives me too much information. dir /s *.jar sort of does ...
Jason S's user avatar
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