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Questions tagged [cronjob]

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This weird behaviour from cronjob

I have set the crontab like this: */5 0 * * * /www/ and the /www/ is this: # We are setting the name of file # in the variable along with complete path. sFilePath=`date +\/...
hjpotter92's user avatar
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Crontab as other user

I am running crontab as root user: screen -S konsola -X stuff 'say hello'`echo -ne '\015'` How do I run it as the user "nobody"? Only this user has screen with given pid, thats why I need it.
Szymon Toda's user avatar
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Run Cron every 2 minutes in 30 minutes?

I need to run a cron job every 2 minutes (*/2) but only for the first 30 minutes of every hour, with pause of 30 minutes between the runs. For example, something like: From 10h00 to 10h30: run every ...
Hugo ferreira's user avatar
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crontabs hour specification */1 is that the same as *

I am looking for clarification with the cron tab that I am working with. some job 1 * * * * some job 1 */1 * * * Are those jobs the same? The job will run the first minute every ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Cron job for moving directories older than 24 hours

Well, what I want to do is The cron should run every hour or so It should move the directories in a folder /disk1/data/ older than 24 hours to /disk2/data/ The directories moved should contain all ...
yashau's user avatar
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Why cron saves at /root, when should at /var/www?

Why my cron */1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/query/query.php &> /root/querylog.log saves query.php output in the /root/ folder? (this script shall save *.txt at its location) It should do so ...
Szymon Toda's user avatar
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What might cause cron jobs to occasionally not run or complete?

In my crontab, I have set MAILTO and a bunch of cron jobs (5-10 jobs). These cron jobs usually run fine and I get emails for them. Most of these jobs consistently run as expected. Emails and ...
Syncopated's user avatar
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Cronjob as root?

I'm having a bit of a problem with cronjobs for backups. I've set up the following in sudo crontab -e (not under personal account): 0 1 * * * /backups/dobackup /backups/dobackup contains this: #!/...
Rob's user avatar
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Cron daemon running status check

I have a script which need to be run as cron job. In the staging environment i could run the script as a cronjob. but in the production environment it is not working, so i checked whether cron ...
KItis's user avatar
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Where to store security credentials (aka passwords) for special cron jobs?

I want to write a cron job that authenticates for a certain mail account. As there are multiple ways in giving the script those credentails: config file, hardcoded in script, arguments in cronjob call,...
math's user avatar
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How do I make cron run a Java GUI application?

I have a script which runs a Java GUI application using "java -jar app.jar". I have added the script to the crontab to run every minute, check the processlist if the application is up. If it isn't it ...
nanoman's user avatar
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Why does cron task run twice?

I have a task that should run each day in Ubuntu10.04. So I use crontab and copy the scripts of the task to the directory /etc/cron.daily. Here is the my crontab: # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab ...
flypen's user avatar
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copy file from different domain using cron job

I am having two domains and i need to copy some file from one domain to another. cp http://domain2/crontest/ I tried above but it dint work. Is there any other way?
Mubasshir Pawle's user avatar
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5 answers

Timezone issue with cron

My cron jobs are computed one hour later compared to server time. I don't understand what is going on. My configuration is the following : Server time : Europe/Paris In /etc/default/cron I added ...
Guillaume Lebourgeois's user avatar
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How to set CRON to execute a php file outside of a public html folder?

I have a php file located at, let's say, for example: /data/web/process.php This file is not publicly available (no virtual host is running in that folder, but apache is installed). I need to ...
Frantisek's user avatar
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