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Questions tagged [cronjob]

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2 votes
1 answer

Cronjob for first day of month except sunday

I have such entry in my crontab: 0 0 1-2 * 1-6 It is correct that it would run at 00:00, 1st or 2nd day of the month from Monday to saturday? For example, if 1st day will be sunday then it would not ...
Alexander Kim's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

cronjob for creating two files with 2 GB of size each

I need to create a cron job that runs every hour. This cron job should create two files, each 2GB, one should be created from /dev/urandom and the other one from /dev/zero and should be written to a ...
user286205's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Running a cron job every five minutes

I need to run a cron for sync command. Is it as simple as this? */5 * * * * --sync Which I think will run the sync command every 5 minutes.
tumble's user avatar
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Enabling crontab logging on openSUSE

I am trying to enable the crontab log on openSUSE 11.3. I searched the web but couldn't find how to do it. I only find information about Ubuntu. Tried editing the /etc/rsyslog.d/remote.conf file but I ...
RegedUser00x's user avatar
1 vote
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Why this cronjob wont run

On debian squeeze as user root I add this cronjob with "crontab -e" */1 * * * * root /usr/sbin/ntpdate >> /var/log/ntpdate.log But this cronjob will not run, there is also ...
kockiren's user avatar
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I created Cron but I get errors that don't really understand

I created a crontab like this: 0 22 * * 2 /bin/echo " Hello World " 0 1 * * * /bin/echo " Test" but I receive mails like this, what does it mean? Subject: Cron /bin/echo " Test" Content-Type:...
user229366's user avatar
0 votes
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Cron Job Command To Delete 0 Byte Files

I need to have a Cron Job, that when it runs automatically deletes all of the files inside of a folder that are exactly 0 bytes. The script I am using allows users to enter their username so it ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Mac Crontab Deleted

I was messing around with creating cron jobs and somehow I wound up deleting crontab out of /usr/bin. Does anyone know of a way that I can recover it without having to re-install multiple components ...
user202029's user avatar
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Issue in running cron jobs in RHEL5

When I try to run cron jobs from root, I am getting the following error. I am using RHEL5. Can anyone help me? [root@localhost]# crontab -e Permission denied You (root) are not allowed to ...
Amal G Jose's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Schedule a cronjob start everyday automatically [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there a way to have Linux run a command every X minutes? I want to run a command which will be synchronize my remote folder data to my local computer. command is sync -ave '...
Anonymous Anurag's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

synchronize folders which are located on different servers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Synchronise system changes on two computers? how to synchronize two folders which are located on different servers. I need that if someone put any data on folder A then it ...
Anonymous Anurag's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Schedule a cronjob everytime it is done

I have a cronjon which runs every 48 hours. But ideally what I want is that it must start running as soon as it stops. Can this be done? It is an sh script consisting of a python command. I am using ...
Rishi's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Where to store cronjob script?

I'd prefer to not keep it in my /home/myusername directory. Is there a best practice of where to store your shell scripts for cronjobs? At the root level? I'm running ubuntu server 12.04 right now.
tarabyte's user avatar
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Why does this crontab file only run once?

I have the following crontab file: 2 * * * * /bin/date >> /home/jon/date_from_cron.txt I think this means "run every two minutes". However, it only runs once. Shortly after setting up this ...
tadasajon's user avatar
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CronJob for asterisk queue to reset + FreePBX

I am having problems with this script...It doesn't seem to work. Note: It sends email just fine. #!/bin/bash #Reset the queue every morning at 5:00AM PST #v 1.1 changed email #Email alert that ...
JoyIan Yee-Hernandez's user avatar

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