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Questions tagged [cronjob]

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chmod 777 based on directory

I am wanting to perhaps create a cronjob that will monitor a directory and will do automatically chmod 777 and files that are created inside the directory or a subdirectory of my main directory. Is ...
deadman36g's user avatar
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Cron Command for twice a month on Sat @12am

I am wondering if someone can help with the simple but sometimes confusing commands regarding Cron jobs. I would like a cron job to run twice a month on a Saturdat @12am.
gdsnytech's user avatar
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Cron file in cron.d isn't running at all, why?

I am unable to run my cron file stored at /etc/cron.d but it wouldn't run for unknown reasons :/ can someone please help? Content of my cron file is as follows: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/...
Ghazanfar Mir's user avatar
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Trigger a command upon every `crontab -e` edit

We are using a shared Linux server account where as everyone comes and edits the crontab. Usually we take a backup like this crontab -l > `date +\%Y-\%m-\%d\_\%H:\%M:\%S.txt` Is there an elegant ...
nehem's user avatar
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scheduling with cronjob to run the php file for only one time

How do I run the php file only once using the cron jobs. i.e., to schedule task to work on 20/06/2015 10:30:00 I tried something like this : 30 10 20 6 ? 2015 /usr/bin/php /path/to/my/file/...
Ahalya Hegde's user avatar
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Printer unable to print "blank pages"

I'm using Xerox DocuPrint CP305 d. For some reason, I'm unable to get "blank files" printed. If there are contents within the file —e.g. the word "test", or even just a blank space character&...
Pacerier's user avatar
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cron expression for every hour starting from specific time

Every one hour (starting from "now") I am able to schedule using this cron expression (expression) using nodejs cron-job. But I need to set cron every one hour starting from a specific time. For ...
Devaraj C's user avatar
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cron job to run for last few days of month (possibly into next)

I'm trying to setup a cron job that will run from the 29th, for 4 days each quarter (Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct). I've setup the following… */10 6-17 29-31 1,4,7,10 1-5 php script.php */10 6-17 1 5 1-5 php ...
TobyG's user avatar
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Incron Job is not being executed

I am using incron to monitor one of my file in /var/www/html directory. output of incrontab -l /var/www/html/test IN_ACCESS /home/intel/ This job is supposed to create a file in home ...
Khayam Gondal's user avatar
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Why is this cronjob not working?

I have a ruby script in ~/custom_scripts/get_all_products.rb. I want it to run every night at 04:00. Here's what the cronjob in crontab -e looks like: MAILTO="<email>" 0 4 * * * ruby ~/...
narzero's user avatar
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cPanel/WHM - Assign cron jobs to specific account package automatically

I would like to know if it's possible to, when creating an account in a specific package, automatically assign cron jobs to run in it. Example: I've created the account "example", wich is in package ...
Lucas Bustamante's user avatar
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Shell script not running with cronjob

I am using PUTTY to reach the server. I can dump the databases with the following command: /usr/bin/mysqldump --all-databases | /bin/gzip > Backup_DB/alldatabases_test.sql.gz When I am running ...
erdomester's user avatar
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Do cronjobs run in CLI?

I am running PHP 5.5 with ZendOPcache integrated. There are two options for this extension - is cache enabled (which I've set to true), and the second one - is CLI cache enabled, which I've set to ...
thexpand's user avatar
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Auto backup a directory to ftp server with separate files

I have 2 Ubuntu servers (Master and Mirror) and want to use cronjob to auto backup from specific directory. I read this. It is OK but not matched my task. Description my task: Work as real mirror, ...
Miss Phuong's user avatar
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Create a folder in Win 7 where files will be deleted after a specified period automatically

I would like to have a folder to put items for temporary use and after a certain amount of time they would be deleted Is this possible in Windows 7? I've through of maybe some sort of .bat file in ...
Mihai's user avatar
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