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Questions tagged [azure-cli]

The tag has no usage guidance, but it has a tag wiki.

2 votes
2 answers

Establishing an Azure VPN connection from CLI/PowerShell

I've installed Azure VPN Client app and configured an Azure VPN profile. It works when I manually start it via the app's UI. How do I initiate the connection via command line, Azure CLI or PowerShell? ...
noseratio's user avatar
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Azure ACR Auth Error - "aad access token with sp failed client id must be guid"

Using this guide: Endpoint to generate Token: GET
ianh11's user avatar
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How to delete all resource groups forcibly without prompt for confirmation using Azure CLI cmdlets?

Tried the below cmdlet to delete all resource groups in particular location: az group list --query "[?location=='westus']".name -o tsv | xargs -otl az group delete -n It is asking me to ...
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PowerShell update Azure Service Principals Properties Tags

Using PowerShell to update Service Principals IDs found here on Microsoft Docs: Service Principal -&...
ianh11's user avatar
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How to successfully Install Azure CLI

I'm having problem installing Azure CLI. I've tried three methods but all failed. The first two are from Install Azure CLI on Windows, I've tried install the Azure CLI using PowerShell, and Download ...
xpt's user avatar
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Getting TSV file output excluding 2 resource types from the az resource list in Azure CLI

Kindly concern that I need to get the azure resource list from the azure CLI excluding 2 kinds of resource types and output the file to a TSV file. I was able do this particular operation via ...
Anonymous Corp's user avatar
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How to correctly change directory/file rights (with chmod 777)?

I cd to: '/Users/name/.azure/config' Where I execute: sudo chmod -R 777 ./ Then when I try to run: az configure --defaults group=fake-resource-group I get: Permission denied: '/Users/name/.azure/...
beyondtdr's user avatar
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Downloading Entire Azure Blob File Storage to a Local HDD

I currently need to download all the files from these 2 file shares within azure blob storage to a local HDD, both file shares in total have 400GB enter image description here Example of where the ...
user1253539's user avatar
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How do I check if a VM already exists via Azure CLI?

This is a working solution but not very clean: if [ "$(az vm list -d -o table --query "[?name=='VM_NAME']")" == "$(az vm list -d -o table --query "[?name=='...
Lavair's user avatar
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How to Connect Two Azure Virtual Network Gateways in Different Azure Directories

My interpretation of the Microsoft documentation leads me to believe that I can connect two Virtual Network Gateways within two different Azure Directories but it will need to be done via PowerShell. ...
bikerben's user avatar
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Azure Cloud Shell in Windows Terminal App

Once Azure Cloud Drive shell of Windows Terminal, it seems to default to PowerShell. I can switch to Bash by typing Bash. But once inside BASH shell can I switch to PowerShell again? Typing PS or ...
Dee M's user avatar
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How I can stop a Azure VM without deallocating via Portal

If I work with VMs from Azure CLI, I can start, stop and deallocate my VM. It works like expected. If I use the portal web interface, I see the start function and a stop function. But this stop ...
Mario's user avatar
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Azure CLI reports missing credentials to access storage service after login

I'm trying to figure out how login works for Azure CLI. I've already logged in with: az login and everything seems to work perfectly, but when I try to run any other commands, e.g.: az storage blob ...
peidaqi's user avatar
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Azure CLI Login through a Proxy

Ok .. so I'm pretty much lost. Task : execute a successful az login --service-principal -u XXX -p XXX --tenant (Or tenant ID) From A server on the Azure Cloud that has no ...
Miroot's user avatar
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deployment failed using AzureDevops

I'm followin this Azure Devops lab: but when I'm deploying the app this error appears: There were ...
Champetaman's user avatar

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