I'm trying to install Windows 10 to a hard drive via a virtual machine (KVM) and I'm having a problem with it complaining about not being able to find drivers (despite the fact that they're part of the .iso). I ran into this same problem before, installing Windows 10 from a usb drive, and the solution (!) was to unplug the usb drive and replug it in and then Windows saw the drivers it needed. But in a virtual machine, I've just passed the .iso as a cd-drive, and I don't know how to do the equivalent of "unplugging" and "replugging" it in.

  • Haven't seen that before, when is it failing exactly ?
    – clhy
    Commented Oct 17, 2015 at 21:25
  • I boot up, select language etc., then select install, and before it does anything else, it pops up a box which complains about not being able to find a driver for something. At that point I can "Browse" or "Refresh", but neither ever helps. As I said, if I have a physical usb with the installer, unplugging it, replugging it, and going back to the "Install" or "Repair" screen and reclicking Install works. Commented Oct 17, 2015 at 21:47


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