While setting up an old laptop with Mint for a friend, I(being a bit cheeky and smart) ticked the "Run a custom command instead of my shell", The custom command being; echo and some rather rude text. I thought this would print the rather rude text when he opened the terminal. Now when I launch the terminal the window flashes open for a second and then is gon, and it does this from every instance of the launcher. I have tried finding the profile settings for hours by greping every possible combination of strings imaginable and am now considering a reinstall, can I reset this checkbox from the command line and if so... HOW ?? relative newbi obviously.

1 Answer 1


In recent MATE versions the program settings are kept in dconf. Thus:

dconf reset -f /org/mate/terminal/

Older versions used a GConf fork called "mateconf":

mateconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/mate-terminal

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