I was having some issues with the Mate terminal in Linux Mint (see How to reset system colors) so have started using gnome-terminal instead. I'd like the change the "Terminal" icon which is on the Start menu (see pic) to launch gnome-terminal instead, but can't work out how. It doesn't have an entry on the Preferences/Main Menu option.

Any ideas anyone? thanks, Max

enter image description here

EDIT - this is Linux Mint 13 Maya btw (i don't know why it calls itself Mate on the desktop and Maya on the command line).

  • Have you tried right clicking?
    – terdon
    Commented Jan 30, 2013 at 12:24
  • @terdon yep, no response. Commented Feb 1, 2013 at 9:01

1 Answer 1


Edit the .desktop icon for terminal on the panel.

The panel and menu shortcuts are called from /usr/share/applications. Right click on the .desktop shortcut you want to change, and select to Open with a text editor.


Then alter the exec line to the command to run the gnome terminal.

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