I have upgraded from Window 8 to 8.1 Pro with Media Center (fully updated) and OneDrive has started crashing with the following dump.

Problem signature:  
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name: skydrive.exe
  Application Version:  6.3.9600.17484
  Application Timestamp:    545d76bd
  Fault Module Name:    StackHash_4cdf
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   00000000
  Exception Code:   00000000
  Exception Offset: PCH_32_FROM_KERNEL32+0x00000000000EAABE
  OS Version:   6.3.9600.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1: 4cdf
  Additional Information 2: 4cdf021cc0b2992ec7c50ce49266caf5
  Additional Information 3: 29ef
  Additional Information 4: 29efc2092bac35b11852d06f8f045b15

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After numerous Google searches, I came across this entry related to symbolic folder mapping. The mapping was pointing to SkyDrive and I changed that to OneDrive and rebooted but the problem still persists.

I also don't see a way of uninstalling/reinstalling OneDrive as it seems baked into Windows 8.1.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • The face the application name is still skydrive.exe indicates something strange is going on because it shouldn't be that.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Jan 15, 2015 at 13:18
  • @Ramhound: Yes I thought so as well but since OneDrive is supposed to be baked into Windows 8.1, I'm not sure how to interpret this. Commented Jan 15, 2015 at 19:35

1 Answer 1


I finally found the OneDrive troubleshooter, that had to be run a few times in vain before it finally fixed the problem. OneDrive still occasionally crashes but it at least functional most of the time.

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