Sysinternals process explorer crashes when I select all columns. Since the program crashes now, I can't change the settings back. Also I dont know where the program stores this information so I cant change it back to the way it was.

Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX64 Application Name: procexp64.exe
Application Version: Application Timestamp: 51a63bd2
Fault Module Name: StackHash_4321 Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000 Exception Offset: 0000006f0000006e Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Data: 0000000000000008 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 3081 Additional Information 1: 4321 Additional Information 2: 4321760c32b87df21521f3da7736598d Additional Information 3: a5a9
Additional Information 4: a5a986cae2806a5637aac96253b4278f

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1 Answer 1


Open regedit, go to the key:


make a backup of this key (Mark is interested in such bad configurations) and delete the complete ProcessExplorer key.

Send a mail to Mark and attach the bad .reg so that he can repro and fix it.

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