I am getting REALLY tired of adjusting my typing habit when needing to type characters such as ø, å and æ to name a few, after switching from Mac OSX to Windows to Mac OSX, which I unfortunately have to. Haven't tried Linux recently, but it could prove to have its own layout again.

Is there any standard layout one can expect? To type ø for instance, I need to hold down Alt key and hit the O key on Mac. Simple enough. On Windows however, that would be Alt and L.

Is there any standard layout for my usage pattern? I am typing mostly Norwegian, but occasionally also Swedish letters.

If I knew there was a standard, I could just install the layout on the platforms I use and be done with it.

1 Answer 1


You could always use the encodings, which should be standard instead of relying on the keyboards mappings.

Ø on Windows and Mac should map to Alt + 0216

HTML Entity (decimal)   Ø
HTML Entity (hex)   Ø
HTML Entity (named) Ø
How to type in Microsoft Windows    Alt +00D8
Alt 0216
UTF-8 (hex) 0xC3 0x98 (c398)
UTF-8 (binary)  11000011:10011000
UTF-16 (hex)    0x00D8 (00d8)
UTF-16 (decimal)    216
UTF-32 (hex)    0x000000D8 (00d8)
UTF-32 (decimal)    216
C/C++/Java source code  "\u00D8"
Python source code  u"\u00D8"

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