I'm trying to read the cyrillic text that is stored in .txt format. Once I open it with OpenOffice, it is OK. Once I open it with Notepad++, it shows unreadable symbols. Setting Windows-1251 prior opening the file doesn't help too much. The default value switches to Encode to UTF-8.

Is there a way to convert my text into UTF-8?

  • Is the file really windows-1251 encoded? How do you infer that? What “unreadable symbols” you see? Please show a small sample from the start, and the intended content for comparison. Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 21:39
  • Post a notepad++ screenshot and it should give a clue to the problem.
    – snowdude
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 11:09

1 Answer 1


I've tried today on another computer (with Cyrillic support). Everything is OK with this way: OpenOffice -> Copy the text into buffer -> Paste it in Notepad++ (UTF-8 without BOM)-> Save. Saved in UTF-8.

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