I am using a Lenovo ThinkPad Twist with Windows 8, and it isn't booting at all. It doesn't even show the Lenovo logo or anything. It makes no sound, nothing. It used to work. It stopped working after Action Center said to reboot because of a drive error. I rebooted the computer, but then my friend decided to randomly start typing on the keyboard and managed to cancel the shutdown. After that, it wouldn't log in so I held down the power button to force a shutdown. Now, it doesn't boot

  • Does it do literally nothing when you push the power button? If not, what exactly does it do? Commented Aug 29, 2013 at 23:43
  • nothing whatsoever Commented Aug 29, 2013 at 23:44
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    Those are all symptoms of a hardware problem. It was working fine, you had an indication of a hardware error, and from then on the system was unable to initialize. Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 0:50
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    The indication, as you call it, was that there was a drive error. Even if the hard drive crashed completely, the computer should at least be able to do the POST and I should be able to hear some sounds/lights. Also, the battery cannot be broken of anything because when I plug it in a little green light signaling that it is charging turns on, and when I remove the charging cord it goes off, as usual. I think that the power button might be broken. Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 2:39
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    You said, "It stopped working after Action Center said to reboot because of a drive error". Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 3:38

2 Answers 2


This sometimes works with PC's and some laptops (don't know about ultrabooks without the ability to remove the batter). Hold the power button in for about 30 seconds. Release the button, take a deep breath, and try the power again. Good Luck!

  • it doesn't work Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 2:57

Ok, finally got it fixed (I had a warranty), and they didn't tell me what the problem was exactly, but here's what I figured out: Lenovo Thinkpad Twists (and some other lenovo computers) come with a "Settings" application, and one of the things it lets you change is that "battery life saver" where it only charges the battery to 50%, and then holds it there to extend the batteries longevity. Well, the software f-ed up, and it completely stopped charging, even though it should have been holding it at 50%, so it ran down to almost 0%, and it didn't have enough power to boot again after shutting it down (and because it was plugged in, windows gave me no warnings beforehand because it assumes everything is ok with the battery if it's plugged in). Somehow, it booted up again after a few days, and I got rid of the software.

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