I have installed Ubuntu using Wubi.

It works fine, but for some reason I see 2 entries of Ubuntu (which run the exact same OS) on the boot-up of the computer.

it seems that on Windows 8, I need to use a tool called "bcdedit" (using admin permissions), so I tried in the console to type


and this is what I got about the duplicate entries:

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {9dd88019-846f-11e1-afba-9ec96921aa26}
device                  partition=D:
path                    \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr
description             Ubuntu

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {e0f9b8e5-bfba-11e1-a157-1c6f6525fc11}
device                  partition=D:
path                    \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr
description             Ubuntu

makes sense, so I decided to delete the second one, using:

bcdedit /deletevalue {e0f9b8e5-bfba-11e1-a157-1c6f6525fc11}

but it didn't work. it showed:

The element data type specified is not recognized, or does not apply to the
specified entry.
Run "bcdedit /?" for command line assistance.
Element not found.

what have I done wrong? I remember that in the past this was much easier, as I could simply edit the boot.ini file. What can I do to fix it?

  • Try: bcdedit /delete {e0f9b8e5-bfba-11e1-a157-1c6f6525fc11}
    – stderr
    Commented May 7, 2013 at 19:15
  • it worked. such a quick answer. why did you put it as a comment? and what does deletevalue do anyway? Commented May 7, 2013 at 19:18

1 Answer 1


Use bcdedit /delete {identifier}.

bcdedit /delete: Deletes an element from a specified entry.

bcdedit /deletevalue: Deletes a specified element from a boot entry.

Use bcdedit /? for display a list of Bcdedit commands.

Read the article from Microsoft.

  • what's "numproc" ? the link doesn't say anything about it. also, you should have written here the answer and not just the explanation... Commented May 7, 2013 at 20:13

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